Greg Reese: Think that you're Sovereign? — We are being looted in real time of our property, currency, sovereignty and our very lives.

1 year ago

There isn't a tyrant alive or dead who has any love or respect for individual rights. So when Americans are confused as to why there own government would ever try to harm them, they either don't understand the nature of evil or they don't grasp how priceless the Bill of Rights actually are. The are the bane of the globalist tyrants who seek to control all of humanity. We could trace this conspiracy of tyrants all the way back to the 18th century, but well begin with the year that gave birth to the Federal Reserve Bank and Big Pharma.

In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation published the Flexner report, which directly led to the shutting down of natural traditional medicine and gave way for the Rockefeller's to patent and monopolize the medicine industry. That same year Rothschild banking dynasties Paul Warberg, along with high ranking members of US banking, met in secret to hatch a plan that would financially rob every single American citizen for generations to come. Fractional reserve banking was considered a scam for centuries. This changed in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Banking System.

The Act of 1871 turned America into a corporation and thus turning the "Sovereign person" into a citizen, thus now subject to State law.

In 1910 the Flexner Report gave medical rights to the Rockefellers to control the medical industry (Big pharma) to keep you sick for profit. It led to the closure of 75% of U.S. medical schools. It still explains a lot about today’s unequal access to healthcare.

The Federal Reserve act of 1913 binds you to a loan that's not back by tangible currency by an organization neither Federal, Reserve or constitutional.

Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks.

In 1921 the Europe Round table merged America with the crown to create the CFR who put Bankers in control of Nations.

In 1942 the OSS was formed by the Cabal, Alan Dulez helped Scherff (Bush) create the CIA to pollute communities with drugs for profit.

In 1944 the World Bank was created for any opposing independent nation not under the umbrella of The Central Bank.

In 1954 the first Bilderberg meeting took place to discuss plans of a New World Order.

Council on Foreign Relations: It’s Secret British Origin Explained.
The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate and How It Works.

Welcome to the War.

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