BLACKS FOR TRUMP says no DeSantis/Dathan

1 year ago

Blacks for Trump is not for DeSantis to be President See: full 10 min. video warning as to why not!
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If DeSantis was to run that means he’s trying to deprive Trump of his 2020 win because, the FBI & Duram report shows that they did Treason against Trump by stealing the Election which Is TREASON So come out her (DEEP STATE) my brother be not Partakers in her SIN (TREASON) to be Destroyed, Rev.18:1-8! & if DeSantis runs against Trump to try to cause him to lose by moving too far to the right while Tim Scott goes too far to the left to make Trump lose the Generals Elections just because DeSantis nor Scott can beat Trump. This is proof that he’s apart of the overthrowing treason Primary against the Son of the Bush MCconnel overthrow of Trump. Blacks For Trump will not help DeSantis in the General. In fact if DeSantis were to some how win the General elections to be like Dathan a Governor in Moses's Egypt who's trying to make us go back to Egyptian Slavery under Bush & McConnell I Michael would run & win as a no party affiliate & make Trump Vice President & after the swearing in I would resign to make (anoint) Trump President see: video 1A, video 15b & DeSantis a Yale Skull & Bones (Bush & McConell) killers of our women video K!
Send to everybody quick!!!

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