What did the queen say in 1988? why is it important? Find out tonight!

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The Queen said in 1988 -

Read what the Queen said - "It is an irony of history that James 11, by uniting the major political interests in opposition to him, unwittingly produced a balanced Government not of King nor of Parliament but of the Crown in Parliament. Thus King William reported to the Convention which was to become Parliament, `there is no sure Foundation of a good Agreement between a King and his people, but by a mutual Trust. When that is once broken, a Government is half dissolved.'

What does that mean? "When that is once broken, a Government is half dissolved." You consent to be governed. The only way to not consent is to show it by voting "Spoilt Ballot - I DO NOT CONSENT" they rely on the peoples ignorance and abstention. What is abstention? Look it up in Blacks Law Dictionary. Surrendering your sovereignty or Jurisdiction. Abstention is surrender.

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