ENB # 82 Larry Glover, CEO and talks disproportionally impacted communities and their energy burden.

1 year ago

One of the greatest things about being a podcast host is interviewing experts across the entire energy market. And today, we are visiting with Larry Glover, CEO of The Glover Group.

The Glover Group focuses on energy and policies impacting the Lower Middle-Income groups (LMI). As these policies cover everyone around the globe, the conversation is relevant and is only limited by the extent of your conversation.

The energy burden is reflected in how difficult it is for you to address all your energy costs for living. And the energy burden statistically is calculated by the energy cost for you and how much of your discretionary income you spend on energy.

For example, the average U.S. household is 3% to 4%. And when you look at low-income and high-energy-burden families, that could be up around 26% or higher of their discretionary income.

Breaking it into real social impact, 23% of African-American households could receive a monthly shutoff notice. That number goes up to 30% when discussing Hispanic households. And that number increases again when they are in the disproportionately impacted communities.

Larry, thank you for stopping by the ENB Podcast. As always, I enjoy our long talks together. -Stu

We would also like to thank our ENB Podcast sponsor. Enverus. You can find out more at their website: Enverus.com

A shout out to our fellow travelers with Enverus.

Fellow Podcast Travlers:

Mark LaCour, Editor in Chief, OGGN

Paige Wilson, Host of Oil and Gas Industry Leaders and Co-Host of Oil and Gas This Week Podcast.

OGGN Network

David Blackmon, Author, Industry leader, Podcast Host, DB Energy Questions

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