Chieftan Mk.6 DESTROYS All Trash Talkers!

1 year ago

Foulmouthed Cyber-dweebs spoil everyone's day with online and in-game trash talk; and they generally do it because they don't have actual practical gaming skills and memorization of basics to back up their spoiled mouths. I blame bad or absent parenting.

It just makes anyone miserable and forces both ally and opponent alike to think about it and be unhappy all day, even beyond the game when we are offline. That is unacceptable and it is proof that you have gone too far and crossed a line.

We are human beings, Men and Women and Children, so you cannot avoid having a soul and taking it personally at some level. You ARE a person, after all and it *is* against you.

So if you see a trashtalker, report them. Resist them if you feel up to it. Give a friendly emote to those who are targeted and make their day better.

The good news is that most peop;e are good natured and don't like trashtalkers either.

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