Let's Build Our Perfect Life Together - Doses With Dylan!

1 year ago

Life is GOOD - Part 1!

Life is good like Future said man, I'm so excited to share a journey through life with everyone and even myself! To look back, reflect and move forward as a unit. We will build a great life and entertain each other on the way. My goal is to entertain while I do my day-to-day! this is for me as it is for you. Let's do it together team #DosesofDylan #LifeisGOOD

insta - https://www.instagram.com/_dilino/

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/0oKNEihkLdjtyzRvNjZCfv?si=aXIz-YohTvyzTk2MA1-k6g

Why that link so long though...

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