Two DEADLY Grizzly Bear ATTACKS In One Night - 1967 Night Of The Grizzlies

1 year ago

#BearAttack #bear #horrorstories #truestory

This is the story of the August 13, 1967 Grizzly horror at Glacier National Park in which 2 young girls lost their lives, and a young man was mauled in a single night. Despite incredible odds, the attacks occurred in two separate incidents, miles apart, and by two different bears. It's the first time in the park's 57 year history that there's a fatal bear attack.

One incident involves 5 park employees; Ray and Ron Noseck, Paul Dunn, Denise Huckle, and Michele Koons, on a camping trip at Trout Lake. They encounter a well known problem bear shortly after arriving at the campsite. It shows no natural fear of humans, and comes straight into their camp despite them being there. It chases them out of the campsite, eats their food, destroys their gear, and then retreats, only to come back a short time later. The campers setup a new camp about 50 yards away and take extra precautions to ensure they don't have anymore close calls. The bear, however, has other ideas. In the wee hours of the morning, the grizzly returns, this time to their new campsite, and directs its focus on the friends in their sleeping bags. Four of the campers manage to escape up nearby trees, but Michele Koons, a 19 year old girl from San Diego, falls victim to the bear. She loses her life in what appears to have been a predation.

8 miles north, 2 more park employees, Roy Ducat, and Julie Helgeson, are camping at Granite Park Chalet when they too encounter a marauding grizzly bear. As they are asleep under the stars, the couple are awakened by a bear in their campsite. It mauls Roy Ducat, who somehow manages to maintain his composure and plays dead throughout the attack until the bear loses interest. It then turns its attention to Julie, who is not as fortunate. It drags her into the brush where it badly mauls her. She is left to lay alone in the woods for two hours until a ranger arrives with a rifle to ensure no other guests are harmed in the darkness. She's rescued, barely alive, and receives emergency medical attention, but ultimately succumbs to her injuries. Roy Ducat, however, recovers from his encounter after being airlifted to a medical facility.

In the aftermath of the incident, the bears were hunted and put down by park rangers. The bear taken at Trout Lake is confirmed to be the bear responsible for the attack on Michele Koons. It's a bear that has been reported by numerous guests throughout the summer for being aggressive, and having lost its natural fear of people. A couple of bears are taken in relation to the Granite Park Chalet attacks on Julie Helgeson and Roy Ducat, but it's never confirmed as to whether any of them are responsible for the maulings.

The lost lives aren't in vain, however. The incidents prompt major changes in the way the National Park Service handles bear management, and served as the catalyst for many of the park regulations in place today. The event would later be referred to as The Night of The Grizzlies.

For a fantastic deep dive into this story, check out the 1969 book "Night of The Grizzlies," written by Jack Olsen.

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