VAERS、Yellow Card 和 EudraVigiliance 等数据库在 新冠疫苗推出后不久就显示了大量不良事件

1 year ago

Former pharmaceutical company executive Sasha Latipova: Databases such as VAERS, Yellow Card and EudraVigiliance showed a large number of adverse events shortly after the launch of the Covid vaccine. The US government told the public that this was a health event, but in fact it was a military operation!

前制药公司高管萨莎·拉提波娃:VAERS、Yellow Card 和 EudraVigiliance 等数据库在 新冠疫苗推出后不久就显示了大量不良事件,美国政府向公众表示这是一次健康事件,但事实上这是一次军事行动!

#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #盘古翻译部

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