Stoneshard Gameplay Part 1 - Almost died from Pain Shock

1 year ago

0:00 Character Creation - Dirwin
Playing Dirwin again as I like playing ranged combat and he seems to have the best natural talent for it. Playing non-permadeath mode. I figured I should learn the game properly before playing permadeath again. I forgot some commands already so I will be a bit rusty.

3:00 Going around town for Quests or POI
5:15 Getting extra set of bow and arrows
12:20 Leaving Town
12:47 Fighting Goons
Got myself injured early on. Didn't realize the wound would almost kill me later.

20:20 Fighting Goons
Almost died but I received another wound on the head.

27:30 Wagon Loot
This is for that Quest to return the Wood Plane to the Carpenter.

29:20 Red Haze and Dizziness
Something was very wrong and when I checked my status, I was going into Pain Shock. I tried salves and more pain killers but it didn't resolve the issue. I painfully made my way back to town.

33:06 Wolves ambush
On my way back to town there were Wolves on the trail. I would have died for sure but luckily they didn't notice me right away but I had to take a detour around.

34:50 Made it back to town
By the time I made it back to the inn, I was down to 20 HP. I couldn't rest because I was in 100% pain.

37:35 Trying Alcohol
It brought down the pain but it didn't solve the root issue.

39:41 Google saves me
I had to go AFK for a bit so I decided to take a quick Google search on what to do. It said to go the herbalist so that's what I did.

40:45 Herbalist
I was down to 15 HP so no time to lose. I browse through what he had so I bought Burdock, Splints, and Herbal Extract. The Splint helped stabilize both my wounds so I needed just one so I will note that for the future. The pain started getting better and my Max HP went back up so I lived to tell my tale.

I slept and stored some of my inventory in the inn. I spent a lot of money so I better finish my Quests and go make some money.

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