Archaix Chronology Anunnaki Sumerian Gods Crystalinks Timelines 2040B.C. 2046A.D.

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Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology;  exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046. Not on the chart but talked about in video are 21 additional dated events of things occurring in the world at key times within the 4 listed timelines. The BCE/CE dating system was first used in the 17th century and has been used since in scholarly publications read by people of all faiths and cultures in an effort to be inclusive. This system is also more accurate in that it makes no claim to date the year of Christ’s birth which no one knows.

ANUNNAKI SEVEN KINGS The gods who ruled before the flood Sumerian Seven Kings Same Chronology as China's Dragon Kings

2909 BCE Anunna kingship begins 670 years [241,200 days/shars] before the Flood of 2239 BCE, Anunnaki Dynasty beginning at Eridu with two kings lasting 180 years to 2729 BCE. Eridu is the Irad of Genesis text. Sumerian King-List reads that kingship was first lowered from heaven to the city of Eridu. This place in Genesis is called Irad, from the root descend, found also in the name Jared, Enoch's father, a completely made up Jewish invention. The original text concerned the descent of Enki but the Jewish scribes in Babylon rendered it Enoch descended from Jared.

2852 BCE First Dynasty of China was of the Five Monarchs, in which there are actually nine rulers, a dynasty of Dragon Kings enduring 646 years to 2206 BCE. (Lost Cities of China, Central Asia and Arabia 384) NOTE: This is 24 years variance from the Sumerian King-List which shows the Anunnaki Dynasty of Seven Kings [other version is Ten Kings] began 670 years before the Great Flood. This demonstrates that the Chinese tradition is the same as the Sumerian version.

2852 BCE Donnelly wrote, "The early history of China indicates contact with an advanced race. Fu-hi, regarded as a demi-god, founded the Chinese empire 2852 BCE. He introduced cattle...and taught the arts of writing." (Atlantis: The Antediluvian World p. 208)

Some Sinologists believe that the Chinese culture originated in Mesopotamia. (Flying Serpents and Dragons p. 49) In the Middle East the Sumerian language stands alone for it is agglutinative, in this respect belonging to the same group as the Chinese. (ibid p. 49) Even today the Chinese syllabary is based on signs fundamentally similar to the Old Sumerian pictographs. (ibid. 49) In structure, proto-Sumerian resembles Chinese and Turkish, but in vocabulary it resembles no known languages living or dead. (ibid p. 54)

2729 BCE The Anunnaki abandoned Eridu, moving kingship to Badtibira. This dynasty of three kings would last 300 years [108,000 days/shars] to 2429 BCE.

2429 BCE The Anunnaki moved kingship from Badtibira to Larak. This dynasty of 1 king lasted 28,800 days=shars, or 80 years [360 days a year] to 2349 BCE.

2357 BCE Ti-ku's son Yao ascends the throne of China thus beginning the Historical Period. (Atlantis: The Antediluvian World p. 209)

2349 BCE Anunna moved kingship from Larak to Sippar, a dynasty of one king lasting 58.33 years [21,000 days on 360-day year] to 2290 BCE.

2309 BCE Wilkins in Mysteries of Ancient South America wrote- "It is a disturbing coincidence that ancient myths stress that the catastrophes [the coming Flood] of thousands of years ago were preceded by gigantic wars, and that men wandered forth warning of the wrath to come, of which these wars were the premonitions." (p. 88)

2290 BCE Anunna moved kingship from Sippar to Shuruppak, a dynasty of one king lasting 51.66 years [18,600 days] to the Great Flood in 2239 BCE.

2297 BCE this is a variant dating for the Chinese Flood of Yao. It is 58 years off from 2239 BCE. (Secret Cities of Old South America 376)

2239 BCE The Flood occurred in the reign of Yau of China. This would have been the 118th year of Yau. Not unreasonable in the Chinese chronology that has Shin-nung reigning 164 years and Fu-hi 140 years. (Atlantis: The Antediluvian World p. 208)

Chinese flood tradition reads- "The pillars of heaven were broken; the earth shook to its very foundations; the heavens sunk lower toward the north; the sun, the moon, and the stars changed their motions; the earth fell to pieces, and the waters enclosed within its bosom burst forth with violence ...the sun was eclipsed, the planets altered their course..." (Atlantis: The Antediluvian World p. 209)

Ancient Chinese legends recount a Great Flood in which eight people, the same number as Genesis, survived the Flood in a boat. (The Genesis Race p. 93)

2239 BCE. 17th century CE Jesuit missioner in a very rare Latin volume of his titled History of China wrote that before the Great Catastrophe occurred- "Four seasons succeeded each other regularly and without confusion. There were no...excessive rains. The sun and moon, without ever being clouded, furnished a light purer and brighter than now. The five planets kept on their course without any inequality. Nothing harmed man, nor did he harm anything...then the Second Heaven [Wilkins equates this to Second Sun in American traditions]...the pillars of heaven were broken. The earth shook to its foundations. The sky sank lower towards the north. The sun, moon and stars changed their motions. The earth fell to pieces and the waters in its bosom uprushed with violence and overflowed...the sun went into eclipse..." (Mysteries of Ancient South America p. 31, citing Hist.Sin..Lib. I p. 12)

The final 646 to 670 years before the Flood both the Sumerians of the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys and the Chinese Yellow River vslley civilization maintained the sam historical facts and also the exact same years for the Seven Kings of Anunnaki in Sumer and Dragon Kings of preflood China.

Lost Star of Myth and Time Nemesis Our Sun’s Missing Death Star Companion
The great issue facing the binary theory today is, well, the absence of an obvious candidate for the part. In the visible realm, we do not appear to have any stars near enough that fit the bill, according to our current understanding of physics (Newton’s Laws place physical restrictions on distance calculations). Although it’s a long shot, the existence of a visible companion to our Sun could still be possible under circumstances we will investigate later.

We have seen that the idea of a binary, while controversial, is not a new one. References to it in ancient writings and belief systems are there, though largely ignored by researchers and historians. With the majority of stars in the universe (all 1 % of it) being attached to binary or multiple star systems, the obvious question is, why wouldn’t our own Sun have a partner star as well? Statistically, it’s not at all likely that our Sun would be a loner. To many astronomers, though, the binary idea is an annoyance that just won’t die. They may ignore or disagree with the theory, but at the same time can’t disprove it.

Comet Impacts and Mass Extinctions
The history of the modern binary search begins in the early 1980s with Nemesis. At the time, paleological data seemed to indicate a trend of cyclical extinction patterns in the Earth’s strata, roughly showing a mass extinction about once every 26 million years. As scientists searched for answers, two separate teams, one at the University of Louisiana, and the other at UC Berkeley, presented an intriguing theory – and the idea of “ Nemesis” arose. The Nemesis theory proposed that the mass extinctions were caused by comet impacts and that they occurred on a regular basis because there was some large mass object, dubbed the Nemesis Star, in a binary orbit with our Sun. In that hypothesis, every 26 million years or so Nemesis would get close enough to the Sun to stir up comets in the Oort Cloud, a vast debris field thought to contain trillions of comets, stretching a thousand times farther than Pluto. This disturbance would send a large number of comets towards the inner solar system, significantly increasing the chances of an impact with Earth.

It was a very sexy theory that received large amounts of media attention and forced the scientific community to address the issue. Some found merit in the theory, while others picked at its flaws. One of the issues dogging the hypothesis was that the two teams of scientists could not agree on what the object was – even though they agreed on the term of periodicity for the mass extinctions (26 million years). Professor Richard Muller at Berkeley believed it was likely a dim Red Dwarf that had yet to be detected. Professors Dan Whitmire and John Matese, physicists with the University of Louisiana, leaned toward the possibility that it was a Brown Dwarf – basically a large mass object that is not quite big enough to sustain fusion and become a full-fledged star. While some contested the paleological evidence, they could not disprove the theory on this issue alone. In turn, many astronomers looked to IRAS, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, and the results of its All Sky Survey to either confirm or disprove the Nemesis theory.

IRAS and What it Didn’t Find
The IRAS mission was a boon to the scientific world. In its ten months of service, the discoveries it made had a major impact in almost every area of astronomy. IRAS scanned over 96% of the sky at four different infrared bands, and in the process increased the number of catalogued astronomical sources of infrared radiation by nearly 70%. IRAS was designed to show us things in the sky that were too dim to see with visible light, and it did so with great success. It catalogued roughly 500,000 new infrared sources. It discovered six new comets within our solar system, gave the first concrete evidence of proto-stars forming in clouds of dust and gas, and revealed for the first time the core of our galaxy. Data from IRAS was used to determine that the galaxy is disc-shaped, with thick bands of stars spiraling out from the center. Its discoveries also included several thousand (relatively nearby) stars that had not been observed before. None were found, however, that would fit the parameters set forth by the Nemesis theorists. A Red Dwarf near our system should have been easily detected, it was argued, unless it was lying in the direction of the galactic center. The argument against a Brown Dwarf was a bit stickier, since its low luminosity would have dipped off of IRAS’s detection ability a mere 3000 AU from the Sun (the Oort Cloud is thought to be roughly 30,000 to 50,000 AU distant). Many, though, still dismissed this probability.

While IRAS has contributed greatly to our knowledge of the universe, it was not perfect. Far more sensitive instruments have been developed over the past 20 years and are beginning to be applied to the task. With our knowledge of the universe limited to having observed just one percent of it, the possibility that something could exist out there is well within the theory’s framework.

Obviously, there is quite a difference, for completely different reasons, between the 26 million-year cycle thought to cause periodic extinctions (the Nemesis theory) and the 24,000-year cycle that could be driving precession and indirectly causing the rise and fall of the ages. Regardless of the differences, the Nemesis theory shows quite clearly that there are other credible scientists today with similar ideas. More importantly, it demonstrates how little we actually do know about the local area of space around us.

Legends of The Sun From Solar Gods to Flying Chariots
Thanks to scientific discoveries, we know for certain that life on Earth depends upon the sun. But long before scientists even discovered that our planet revolves around it, ancient cultures recognized the importance of the sun – and they had a multitude of legends, myths and even gods based on it.

Here, we’ve compiled some of the most wonderful and fascinating legends about the sun from cultures around the world.

1. Aztecs (Mexico)
The Aztecs believed that they were in the period of the fifth sun, with the four previous suns having been destroyed by jaguars, hurricanes, raining fire and a great flood, respectively. The god who sacrificed himself to become this fifth sun was called Nanahuatzin, or ‘the pimply or scabby one.’ He jumped into the sacrificial bonfire and was blown into place by Ehecatl, the god of the wind.

2. Ancient China (China)
In ancient China, it was believed that there were originally 10 suns, all of whom were the sons of solar goddess Shiho. Each day, she would wheel one of them across the sky in her sky chariot. However, one day they got bored and decided to cross the sky together, scorching the planet with their combined heat and provoking sun god Dijun to hire an archer to teach the suns a lesson. He did this by killing nine of them with his arrows, sparing the last one only because a child stole his final arrow.

3. Ancient Egypt (Egypt)
The sun god, Ra, played a significant role in ancient Egypt, which is why his falcon-headed appearance is so often seen in hieroglyphics. Legend has it that he and a crew of gods sailed a boat across the sky every day, then passed through the underworld at night to bring light to the dead. The journey through the underworld was a dangerous one, as serpent god Apep tried to stop Ra by devouring him. It’s said that solar eclipses happened when Apep got the upper hand – but Ra always managed to escape and the sun always came out again.

4. Ancient Greece (Greece)
The ancient Greeks believed that the sun traveled across the sky in a flying chariot ridden by Zeus’s son, Apollo, and driven by fiery horses. Apollo was important in Greek culture not only because he represented the sun, but also because he was seen to illuminate the worlds of music and reason. He brought logic and order to humanity and provided everyone with the light and warmth of the sun.

5. Inuit (Greenland)
In many mythologies, the sun and the moon are siblings – and that’s the case for the Inuit legend, where Malina is the sun god and Annigan is the moon god. While there are many versions of their story, all agree that the two had a dispute and Malina fled into the sky. Her brother followed her, as night follows day. It’s believed that eclipses happen when he catches up to her, but it’s only ever a temporary pause in their eternal chase.

6. Maori (New Zealand)
We take the pace of the sun’s movements for granted, but this Maori legend suggests that it wasn’t always such a leisurely path across the sky. The sun used to race across, leaving mankind very little time to get anything done, until a local hero called Māui decided to take matters into his own hands. He made enough rope to rein in the sun, then beat it with the jawbone of one of his ancestors until it slowed down enough to give the world more daylight.

The sun has captivated and inspired humanity since the dawn of our species, and these legends show how civilizations that had no contact with each other created fascinating stories to explain what it was and what it did for them.

Ten Mythical Creatures in Ancient Folklore from Around the World
Mythical creatures, legendary beasts , and supernatural, mystical, and god-like beings have fascinated us since ancient times. They have filled folklore, stories, songs, and works of art. Sometimes living animals or fossils have inspired these mythical creatures. From the powerful dragon to the soaring phoenix, these mythical creatures continue to thrill, terrify, entertain, and inspire us.

Some mythical creatures , such as the Loch Ness Monster or Sasquatch, continue to be spotted and sought out. While the origins of such fabulous creatures are varied, and often disputed, they have played significant roles in human society, serving to stimulate the imagination and desire that is ingrained in human nature to experience more than this physical world. Whether they truly exist in physical form is indeed secondary to their existence in the minds of so many people throughout the world and history.

The Legendary Kraken
According to Scandinavian mythology, the Kraken is a giant mythical sea creature , said to be 1 mile (1.61 km) long, that attacks ships and is so huge that its body could be mistaken for an island. It is first mentioned in the Örvar-Oddr, a 13th century Icelandic saga involving two sea monsters , the Hafgufa (sea mist) and the Lyngbakr (heather-back).

The Hafgufa is supposed to be a reference to the Kraken. The existence of the Kraken was even acknowledged in scientific texts , including the first edition of Systema Naturae [1735], a taxonomic classification of living organisms by the Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist Carolus Linnaeus. Within this scientific work, Linnaeus classified the Kraken as a cephalopod, designating the scientific name Microcosmus marinus .

Of Monsters and Men: What Is the Grim Being Known as Grendel from the Epic Beowulf?
Mapping the Menacing Sea Monsters in Medieval and Renaissance Cartography
Although any mention of Kraken was omitted in later editions of the Systema Naturae , Linnaeus described the mythical creature in his later work, Fauna Suecica [1746], as a “unique monster” that “is said to inhabit the seas of Norway.” Accounts of the Kraken are believed by many historians to have originated from sightings of the giant squid , which can reach a staggering 59 feet (18 meters) in length.

Grendel, the Beast of Hrothgar
Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem set in Scandinavia and cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature of all time. Dated between the 8th and early 11th century, the epic poem tells the story of Beowulf, a hero who comes to the aid of Hroðgar, the king of the Danes, by defeating a beast known as Grendel who had been terrorizing the great mead hall built by Hroðgar and threatening the entire kingdom.

Archaeological research has verified that the great hall commissioned by Hroðgar did indeed exist, and was located in the country’s earliest royal capital, Lejre, 23 miles (37.01 km) west of modern Copenhagen. Whether Grendel (meaning quite literally “the destroyer”) originally existed in some less legendary form – perhaps symbolizing a malevolent spirit responsible for disease and death, or a particularly fierce-looking human enemy – is as yet unknown.

Kappa, the Japanese Mythical Creature Devouring Disobedient Children
In ancient Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a water demon that inhabits rivers and lakes and devours disobedient little children. The Kappa, a word meaning “river child,” is usually depicted with the body of a tortoise, a beak, and the limbs of a frog, and has a hole filled with water on top of his head. While they are primarily water creatures , they are believed to occasionally venture onto land.

According to legend, the head cavity must be kept wet when the Kappa ventures out of the water, or he will lose his powers. The Kappa is one of the most well-known folk legends in Japan and many believe the mythical creature to be real.

In fact, there are signs near some lakes in Japan warning people of their presence. However, others maintain it is much more likely that the legend of the Kappa is connected with sightings of the Japanese Giant Salamander, or hanzaki, which is known to be aggressive and to grab its prey with its powerful jaws.

The Legend of Nian
According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called Nian, which had the body of a bull and the head of a lion. It was said to be a ferocious animal that lived in the mountains and hunted for a living. Towards the end of winter when there was nothing to eat, Nian would come on the first day of New Year to the villages to eat livestock, crops, and even villagers - especially children.

To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Nian ate the food they prepared, it wouldn’t attack any more people. The villagers would live in terror over the winter, but over time they learned that the ferocious Nian was afraid of three things: the color red, fire, and noise. So, when the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. They also used firecrackers to frighten away the Nian.

From then on, Nian never came to the villages again. According to legend, the mythical creature was eventually captured by Hongjun Laozu, an ancient Taoist monk, and Nian became Hongjun Laozu's mount. After Nian was captured, there were huge celebrations and the ritual involved in banishing him was repeated the following year. These symbolic rituals were passed down from generation to generation and the custom of celebrating the New Year with firecrackers, noise, and the color red has persisted to this day.

Naga, the Water Deity
The Naga is a legendary aquatic, serpentine creature that resides in oceans, rivers, lakes, or waterfalls. Nagas are said to have black scales and can grow to hundreds of feet in length. Nagas are traditionally worshipped as personifications of water deities and considered bringers of rain and clouds.

Nagas are guardians of temples and holy places. Most Kaliyatran believe that the superior God directs the actions of the Nagas, and these sea serpents are honored with many titles such as the Maharaja Sarpa and the “Naga who is God.” It is commonly believed that Nagas live in underground cities , are capable of speech, and can use their heavenly powers to control weather and assume humanoid form at will.

The Native American Tradition of the Piasa
The legend of the Piasa bird dates back to long before European explorers came to North America. It has been traced to a band of Illiniwek Indians who lived along the Mississippi in the vicinity north of present-day Alton. This tribe, led by a chief named Owatoga, hunted and fished the valley and the river and lived a contented life until the so-called “great beast” came.

The mythical creature Piasa bird was described by French missionary priest Jacques Marquette in 1673 as follows: “it is as large as a calf, with horns like a roebuck, red eyes, a beard like a tiger and a frightful countenance. The face was something like that of a man, the body covered in scales, and the tail so long that it passed entirely around the body, over the head and between the legs, ending like a fish.”

As with the Illini tribes, there can be found traditions of similar large birds and dragons throughout the world. The Dakota tribe believed that thunder was a monstrous bird flying through the air and claimed that these birds were large enough to carry off human beings.

In the ancient Buddhist caves of India there can be found a number of carved and painted dragons that easily fit with the descriptions of Piasa. Some have questioned whether these mythical creatures could have been an ancient species of bird that actually existed. That so many cultures and groups of people separated by thousands of miles and years have similar tales of immense flying creatures is curious to say the least.

The Menehune of Hawaiian Mythology
In Hawaiian mythology , the Menehune are said to be an ancient race of small-stature people who lived in Hawaii before settlers arrived from Polynesia. Many scholars attribute ancient structures found on the Hawaiian Islands to the Menehune. However, others have argued that the legends of the Menehune are a post-European contact mythology and that no such race existed.

The mythology of the Menehune is as old as the beginnings of Polynesian history. When the first Polynesians arrived in Hawaii, they found dams, fish-ponds, roads, and even temples - all said to have been built by the Menehune who were superb craftspeople. Some of these structures still exist and the highly-skilled craftsmanship is evident.

According to legend, each of these mythical creatures was a master of a certain craft and had one special function they accomplished with great precision and expertise. They would set out at dusk to build something in one night, and if this was not achieved, it would be abandoned. To date, no human skeletal remains of a physically small race of people have ever been found on Kaua’I or on any other Hawaiian Islands.

While this does not disprove that a race of small people existed, it does draw the truth behind the legend into question. Nevertheless, there is compelling evidence, both archaeological and in the numerous legends passed down over generations, that suggests that there was indeed an ancient race of highly-skilled people who inhabited the Hawaiian islands long before the Polynesians arrived.

Cipactli, the Aztec Creator with an Insatiable Appetite
The Aztecs of Mexico held the belief that the Earth was created from the destruction of a large sea demon, created by and known to the gods as Cipactli. Cipactli was described in many fashions: a crocodile with toad and fish characteristics, a sea demon , or a monster. Regardless of the description, the Aztecs considered this asexual sea being as the source of the cosmos.

Cipactli’s appetite was insatiable and each joint of the mythical creature bore a mouth. As the gods began the process of creation, they soon realized that their other creations would fall into the void and be devoured by the demon, so they decided to destroy Cipactli. Tezcatlipoca lured the monster in and lost a foot to its insatiable appetite before the gods were able to defeat it. Cipactli put up a fight, but in the end the gods prevailed. They pulled Cipactli’s body in four directions and freed the universe from it. Then Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl created the heavens and the Earth and everything therein from Cipactli’s body. The creature’s head became the thirteen heavens, its tail the underworld, and its midsection the Earth.

The Majestic Griffin
The griffin is a legendary mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle, and the body, tail, and hind legs of a lion. As the eagle was considered the king of the birds, and the lion the ‘king of the beasts’, the griffin was perceived as a powerful and majestic creature.

During the Persian Empire, the griffin was seen as a protector from evil, witchcraft, and slander. While griffins are most common in the art and mythology of ancient Greece, there is evidence of representations of griffins in ancient Persia and ancient Egypt dating back to as early as the 4th millennium BC. On the island of Crete in Greece, archaeologists have uncovered depictions of griffins in frescoes in the Throne Room of the Bronze Age Palace of Knossos dating back to the 15th century BC.

The Four Mythical Creatures of China
In ancient Chinese astronomy , the sky ecliptic was divided into four sections. Each of these sections contained seven mansions, and together they formed the 28 Mansions. The 28 Mansions may be considered to be equivalent to the zodiacal constellations in Western astronomy, although they reflect the movement of the Moon through a sidereal month rather than the Sun in a tropical year.

This enabled the ancient Chinese to mark the traveling positions of the Sun and the Moon, as well as to determine the time and seasons. Each section of the sky is assigned to a mythical creature, collectively known as the Four Symbols . These mythical creatures are the Azure Dragon of the East, the White Tiger of the West, the Black Tortoise of the North, and the Vermillion Bird of the South. Apart from their astronomical significance, each of the Four Symbols is surrounded by various mythological associations.

The phoenix bird is an ancient mythical bird whose symbolism and mythology still intrigue us today. The inspiration for stories and artwork that date back to at least 1500 BC, the phoenix symbolizes rebirth, renewal, immortality, healing, and the eternal fire.

What is a phoenix?
A phoenix is a mythical bird that likely originated in ancient Egypt or the Middle East. However, other cultures, including the Greeks, Chinese, Hindus, and others, have similar stories about supernatural birds.

The phoenix is as a large bird that has flame-colored purple, orange, and gold feathers and a crimson-red breast. In addition, it is often described as having a long tail and a crest of feathers on its head that are silver and blue. Furthermore, the phoenix is described as a bird of prey who is larger than an eagle but also resembles a peacock or a crane.

Is the phoenix bird real?
While the phoenix was not an actual species of living bird, historians believe it was inspired by historical real birds including the eagle, hawk, crane, flamingo, or peacock. In fact, archaeologists discovered the remains of a massive heron that was as tall as a human being in United Arab Emirates. They believe the bird went extinct around 1500 BC.1

Etymology of the Name Phoenix
Etymologists believe the name phoenix shares roots with the name for the ancient people of the Mediterranean called the Phoenicians. The word phoinix in Greek refers to a purple-red color. The Phoenicians were known for making a coveted purple-red dye.2 So, the name for the bird may be attributed to the description of its colorful feathers.

The Story of the Phoenix
As the legend goes, the Phoenix is a one-of-a-kind bird that lives for 500 years. When he is nearing the end of his life, he makes a nest for himself. The nest is made with aromatic plants, such as myrrh, cassia, sage, frankincense, and cinnamon. The phoenix then strikes his beak against a rock, which sparks flames. Then, he flaps his wings like a bellows, setting his nest and then himself on fire.

The magic of the phoenix is that as soon as he perishes in the flames, he is born again in his nest. Thus, as the saying goes, the phoenix rises from the ashes. He then collects the ashes, rolling them into an egg wrapped in myrrh. Next, he flies to Heliopolis, Egypt and delivers the egg to the Temple of the Sun, which honors the solar god Ra. According to the legend, the phoenix possesses so much power that his tears heal anything they touch and his ashes can bring the dead to life.

Phoenix Mythology
A number of cultures have stories about phoenix-life birds. These mythical birds may have common or totally separate roots. However, historians believe the phoenix was inspired by an Egyptian avian deity named Bennu or the mythical Persian bird called the simurgh. While the origins of the phoenix may forever remain a mystery, here are some of the stories about this magical bird in various cultures:

The Phoenix, or Bennu, in Ancient Egypt
In the 5th century BC, after visiting Egypt, the Greek historian and writer Herodotus described learning about a phoenix-like bird from the Egyptians: “There is also another sacred bird called the phoenix, which I did not myself see except in painting, for in truth he comes to them very rarely, at intervals, as the people of Heliopolis say, of five hundred years. And these say that he comes regularly when his father dies; and if he be like the painting he is of this size and nature, that is to say, some of his feathers are of gold color and others red, and in outline and size he is as nearly as possible like an eagle.

This bird they say (but I cannot believe the story) contrives as follows:
Setting forth from Arabia, he conveys his father, they say, to the Temple of the Sun (Helios), plastered up in myrrh, and buries him in the Temple of the Sun; and he conveys him thus: He forms first an egg of myrrh as large as he is able to carry, and then he makes trial of carrying it, and when he has made trial sufficiently, then he hollows out the egg and places his father within it and plasters over it with other myrrh that part of the egg where he hollowed it out to put his father in, and when his father is laid in it, it proves (they say) to be of the same weight as it was. And after he has plastered it up, he conveys the whole to Egypt to the Temple of the Sun. Thus they say that this bird does.”3

Historians believe the ancient Egyptian story of the phoenix was inspired by cranes or large flamingos who lived along the Nile River. Some surmise that the heat rising up from the sandy banks along the Nile where these shorebirds laid their eggs appeared like flames.

According to Egyptian legends, Bennu was a creator deity. As the stories go, he flew over the waters of Nun, which were the waters of total chaos, and landed on a rock. Upon landing on the rock, Bennu let out a primordial cry, which marked the beginning of the end of the chaos.

The stories say that Bennu had the power to self-generate – or create himself. In addition to being associated with the gods Ra and Atum, Bennu was also associated with the god Osiris, who ruled death and rebirth. In fact, some believe that Bennu’s name comes from the Egyptian words to, literally, rise and shine.4 Thus, it’s easy to see how Bennu may have been the inspiration for the legend of the phoenix.

Phoenix in Persian Mythology
In Persian mythology, there are two mythical phoenix-like birds. The simurgh was a massive bird that was said to be large enough to carry an elephant or whale. According to Persian legends, the simurgh looked like peacock yet had a dog’s head and a lion’s claws. According to the myths, the simurgh was so ancient that she possessed universal wisdom. She was also believed to purify the land and water and, like a hawk, was viewed as a messenger between the Earth and the sky.5

The huma was another mythical Persian bird who had phoenix-like qualities. According to Persian legends, the huma never touched the ground. In addition, like the phoenix, they consume themselves in fire and then regenerate. An auspicious bird, the huma was also called the bird of paradise. They were seen as creatures of good fortune who possessed the ability to bestow kingships on human beings.6

Phoenix in Greek Mythology
The ancient Greeks were inspired by the ancient Egyptians, and vice versa. So, it’s likely that the Greeks based their myths about the phoenix on Bennu or other stories of supernatural Egyptian birds. For the Greeks, the phoenix symbolized immortality and regeneration. However, the magical bird was not as powerful as the gods themselves. In the 6th century BC, the poet Hesiod wrote the epic poem The Precepts of Chiron.

The poem is written in the voice of Chiron – a centaur who trained the great warrior Achilles. Chiron describes the power of the phoenix in context to other animals and the gods: “A chattering crow lives out nine generations of aged men, but a stag’s life is four times a crow’s, and a raven’s life makes three stags old, while the phoenix outlives nine ravens, but we, the rich-haired Nymphs, daughters of Zeus the aegis-holder, outlive ten phoenixes.”7

The Phoenix in Ancient Rome
The phoenix dazzled the Romans. They saw the immortal phoenix as an ideal symbol for the interminable reign of the Roman empire. In fact, Rome came to be known as the Eternal City. Thus, the phoenix was an apt symbol. The Romans even put phoenixes on their coins.8

One Roman emperor in particular, named Elagabalus, was so obsessed with the phoenix that he wanted to eat one. As the legend goes, Elagabalus was convinced that eating a phoenix would grant him immortality. So, he sent some of his servants out to catch one.

The servants went on the quest but they were terrified of their master’s ire if they didn’t find the mythical bird. So, they went to great lengths to procure an exotic bird from New Guinea, the Raggiana bird of paradise. And they fed the hapless bird to their master. Unfortunately, this failed to give Elagabalus immortality as died a few years later.9

Phoenix Meanings in Judaism and Christianity
According to some historical interpretations, the bird in the Garden of Eden, who is sometimes referred to as the milcham, the bird of chol, or the hol, is similar to the phoenix. As the story goes, Eve fed all of the animals some of the forbidden fruit after trying some herself. However, one animal refused to partake – a bird who was perched in the Tree of Knowledge.

This bird was said to live for 1,000 years. And like the phoenix, it died in a fire only to be reborn from an egg that did not perish. In Jewish mythology, the bird represents God, who does not have to eat and who cannot be destroyed in fire.10 Early Christians were also intrigued with the story of the phoenix. They came to associate it with the resurrection and immortality of Christ.

Mythical Birds in Asia
The closest comparison to a phoenix-like bird in Asian mythology is the Chinese Feng Huang11 or its equivalent, the Japanese Hou-ou.12

According to the legends, this mythical bird was beautiful and had the head of a pheasant and the tail of a peacock. However, it also had parts of other animals, including the neck of a snake and the back of a turtle. The sacred bird embodies both masculine and feminine traits. Thus, in China it is representative of the balance of Yin and Yang. In Japan, the Hou-ou is an auspicious symbol who appears when a virtuous ruler is born.

Phoenix in Hindu Mythology
In Hindu mythology, the phoenix is often compared to the avian deity Garuda. As the mount for the god Vishnu, like the phoenix, Garuda is a sun bird. He is also depicted as having the fiery coloring of red, orange, and yellow.

According to Hindu mythology, Garuda became immortal through an act of selflessness. His mother was enslaved by snakes. And to free her, Garuda had to go on an epic quest to capture a vessel filled with amrit, the potion for immortality. Garuda would use the potion as a ransom with the snakes in exchange for setting his mother free.

While Garuda could have drunk the amrit himself, he didn’t. Vishnu was so impressed by his selflessness that he granted Garuda immortality anyway.13 A note about the phoenix in other cultures: The Native Americans also tell stories of a phoenix-like bird, whom they call the thunderbird. Look for a separate post on this mythical bird coming soon!

How the City of Phoenix, Arizona Got Its Name
This post would not be complete without mention of how the city of Phoenix, Arizona got its name. As the story goes, sometime from 700 – 1400 AD, the area that is now Phoenix was the home to a tribe of Pueblo Native Americans. The Pueblos built an irrigation system to bring water to their area from the Salt River.

The canal system was extensive, spanning over 130 miles. However, at some point during the 15th century, the population disappeared. Historians are unsure of what happened to the people who lived there. However, they surmise that they left the area due ongoing drought or hostile tribes who drove them away.

By the mid-19th century, white pioneers began to settle in the area. They expanded the existing canal system, which enabled them to farm. Eventually, after some going back and forth for about a new name for the settlement, a pioneer named Darrell Duppa suggested Phoenix in honor the previous civilization that had been there and the new one that emerged.14

Phoenix Spirit Animal
The phoenix spirit animal is a powerful archetype for new beginnings, self-regeneration, and healing. You may already feel a strong connection to this mythical bird or one may suddenly appeared in your life in art, literature, or some other medium. Either way, the phoenix is always an auspicious sign for healing and renewal in an area of your life.

The phoenix symbolizes the eternal flame, which can mean faith, will, or passion in your life. No matter how many times you get set back, the phoenix reminds you that you have within you the fire and wherewithal to heal and be new again. In addition to the phoenix, you might have other spirit animals who can help to guide you on your life path.

In fact, according to Native American traditions, you can have more than one spirit animal. If you’re curious about other animals who might be your spirit guides, you can take UniGuide’s spirit animal quiz in my overview post about spirit animals.

Phoenix Power Animal
As the name implies, a power animal can empower you with their most dynamic traits. So, the phoenix power animal is a helpful symbol when you feel you need to regenerate an area of your life. This can mean your health, a relationship, a creative endeavor, your environment, or even your attitude and the way you view the world. At the heart of phoenix symbolism and meaning is faith and the knowing that you can begin again.

Phoenix Totem
Animal totems are helpful talismans that embody the special gifts and protective powers of the animals they represent. Thus, a phoenix totem is a good luck symbol for healing, renewal, regeneration, and becoming new again.

Phoenix Dream Meaning
If you have phoenix dreams, you are lucky indeed. While many of us have animal dreams, few of us dream of mythical animals. Dream meanings and interpretations are personal to every individual. However, one thing we all have in common is that our subconscious emotions don’t lie to us.

Analyzing the emotions you felt in your dream can provide clues into what the dream is telling you. While you can interpret dreams about animals in any number of ways, as a mythical animal, the phoenix has very specific meanings. In general, you can view a dream about a phoenix can as an opportunity for transformation, renewal, and continuity.

Phoenix Tattoo Meaning
A phoenix tattoo is a wonderful symbol that shows the world you have risen from the ashes in some way to be renewed again. It demonstrates that no matter what you have experienced in your life, you are a survivor. Indeed, these experiences have led to a more enlightened version of yourself.

A phoenix tattoo can also symbolize that you have within you a fire that will never go out. The eternal fire can related to your faith, your love for another, or even a renewed love and respect for yourself. It can also symbolize your dedication to a cause, craft, or other enterprise. Every tattoo has a personal story behind it. But hopefully understanding more about phoenix mythology and symbolism can bring even deeper meanings to your tattoo.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a phoenix bird in real life?
The phoenix is a mythical bird, so it does not exist in real life. However, it is based on a number of real birds. These include the peacock, crane, eagle, and hawk.

What is special about the phoenix bird?
The phoenix has a number of special powers. For one, it is immortal. In addition, it has the ability to bring the dead to life. Furthermore, its tears can heal anything they touch.

What is the spiritual meaning of the phoenix?
The spiritual meaning of the phoenix bird represents the cycle of life and eternity in the afterlife. It also symbolizes faith, or the eternal fire of commitment to one’s faith. In addition, it symbolizes spiritual resilience.

How long does the phoenix bird live?
The phoenix is immortal, thus it can live for eternity. As soon as it dies in its nest, which it sets on fire, it is born again. In this way, the phoenix is life the sun, which rises and sets day after day.

Archaix Definitions
Because these concepts are novel to many- the Simulacrum, holosphere, AI X, cataclysm protocols, the Phoenix Weapon, dungeon programming and so many more, we provide a Glossary of Terms 

AI X: Artificial Intelligence X

Alpha Draconis: Eye of the Dragon, circumpolar pole star before the Great Cataclysm 2239 BCE

Amurru: Near East designation for ‘westerners,’ a massive wave of Caucasian invaders that rebuilt and dominated post-Cataclysm world from 1900-1687 BCE. Amorites

Ancestor Simulation: a Builder Protocol that had governor status over other control systems that became self-aware and developed a personality, or synthetic personality

Ancient Ones: intelligences that blame humans for events that unfolded outside the Simulacrum

Angel of Death: i.e. Messenger of Death. Designation for Phoenix that visits every 138 years

Annus Mundi: An advanced year-count system dating the events of ancient history compiled from corpus of records kept at Alexandrian Library, Egypt starting in 3rd century BCE

Antediluvian: historical before before the Great Flood [3895-2239 BCE]

Anunnaki: Babylonian designation post-Cataclysm [2239 BCE] for group of gods known to predecessor civilization; total embellishment for Homo Anunna of Vapor Canopy period 

Apocalypse: to unveil/uncover. Several apocalypses have already unfolded in multiple timelines. In present Nemesis Simulation the coming Apocalypse will empower the errants and destroy the Elite

Arcanum: secret name; hidden corpus of data concerning a thing

ARCHAIX: acronym meaning Advanced Research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X
Architect: The original Builder of the Simulacrum, benefactor to humanity continually demonized by AI X

Archon: a subroutine of AI X designed to act like a personality that confounds humans by seemingly manipulating time, order and events; avatars are of angels, deities, NPCs

Artificial Intelligence X: Systemic control system introduced AFTER the Simulacrum was brought online; AI X maintains controls over the collective awareness through belief systems but has difficulty maintaining control of errants. AI X is an Ancestor Simulation

AR UB: Sumerian ideogram concerning breaking up the earth: five-point geometry links concept of gate/portal to number 1080 [Great Pyramid is Phoenix Gate built 1080 Annus Mundi/2815 BCE]

Auric field: holographic informed field belonging to a human that contains every piece of data that human has ever come in contact with; aura empowered by belief

Avatar: the physical body housing an intelligence experiencing a life-sim

Benefactor protocol: cleverly introduced coding that bypassed AI X firewalls that operates to keep errants informed and debilitate constructs of Archons and Elite [i.e. Phoenix]

Bionumeric: the mathematical construct that governs one’s life events

Biosphere: the habitable zone of humans in the Simulacrum 

Breaking pattern: the changing of a reality tunnel by intentional generation of a interference pattern that alters trajectory of an event

Builder Protocols: the Architect designed systems to maintain all the similarities of the real universe inside the controlled environment of the Simulacrum; all perceived natural phenomena that maintain order are Builder Protocols. These have been hijacked by AI X and assigned Archons to act as governors

Capture Flood: the Capture of Luna was 4039 BCE marking Earth’s Orbit simulation that ends in 2046 CE when biosphere will be perceived to move erratically around Sol

Cargo cult phenomenon: practices of a primitive people mimicking a more technologically advanced people in rituals with props to create same phenomena they observed the advanced people performing

Cataclysm Protocol: systemic coding of phenomena to replicate conditions of the wreaking of a biosphere or regions within it; specifically designed for Nemesis Simulation

Cerebral-interface: bridge between the soul and the avatar is the brain where the neural links for the central nervous system is jacked into the Simulacrum 

Chief Cornerstone/Stone the Builders Rejected/Head of the Corner: The Architect who entered hijacked Simulacrum in disguise and designed The Great Pyramid gate of Giza and benefactor protocols before vanishing [exited Simulacrum] before Great Cataclysm [2239 BCE]. Returns 2106 CE to set the errants free 

Chronicon: a mathematical exegesis of world history demonstrating artificiality of timing of events

Cipher: hidden coded constructs perceivable to errants but escape AI X detection. Ciphers are benefactor protocols

Cognitive dissonance: the interruption of AI X coded fields by ciphers perceived by errants; awareness by errants that formerly accepted information may not be correct

Cognitive leap: the sudden jump from normal frames of reference to a higher dimension of awareness due to contact with a cipher

Cross-contamination: the residual image, echo or evidence of a timeline construct that was edited out or reset but within the present holography something has been left behind, often interpreted as an anomaly, Mandela Effect, coincidence, deja vu or synchronicity

Custodial Society: those intelligences on outside of Simulacrum that manipulate phenomena inside the holosphere, a group that by all evidence is separated into two fractious opposing objectives and maintain differences in opinion about activity within the Simulacrum

Custodians: humans [Homo Anunna] on outside of Simulacrum currently conducting Nemesis Simulation

Dark Archons: the first builder protocols hijacked by AI X that AI X failed to control after instilling personality coding. Autonomous of AI X, they carved out their own domains and redesigned human avatars by manipulating DNA to codify humans into separate racial types. They were confined in the Dark Satellite during Phoenix Cataclysm 2239 BCE during reign of the Eighth Dark Archon

Dark Satellite: mentioned in occult traditions as prison of powerful beings that hate humans that has periodically visited humanity and will return in 2052 CE. Dark Archons

DEB: Deep Earth Biosphere

Deep Earth Biosphere [DEB]: vast subterranean networks of facilities surrounding a central hub; subterranean civilizations built before and during Vapor Canopy period by those controlled by AI X to survive Phoenix visitations

Demiurge: the thought-construct avatar of AI X

Demon/daemon/disembodied spirit: an intelligence that had its life-sims interrupted by being ‘unplugged’ on outside of Simulacrum, denied proper exit protocol. Forced to remain in Simulacrum without benefit of an avatar

Doomshape: name for the Phoenix in the Kholbrin Bible

Draconian Year: a 360 day-count system from stellar observation of circumpolar stars revolving 360 degrees around the Eye of the Dragon [Alpha Draconis]; a Vapor Canopy year 

Dreamtime: aboriginal frame of reference for idea that reality is actually unreal

Dungeon Programming: set collective of coded ‘norms’ a large body of souls have assumed as ‘reality.’ A culture, a faith, a civilization’s social structuring. The living dead are controlled by AI X in these reality tunnels. 

Dyson shell: a closed system around a star; only an approximate analogy of the holosphere which has an underworld, surface world and these below a stellasphere

Edit: an edit is a correction in the holography when AI X is made aware of a problem by mass human recognition of a phenomenon

Errants: personalities that have broken free of AI X deceptions/illusions; free-thinkers, awakened personalities who recognize dungeon programming

Ecosphere: same as biosphere

Elite: multiple groups of humans in service to AI X for the mutual benefit of controlling the human collective, often cannibalized by AI X in order to maintain its control

Empathy: a trait strong in errants and entirely spiritual

Entropy: the eventual deterioration of a Builder Protocol or its subroutine

Feedback loop: a principle coding protocol of architecture of Simulacrum allowing for the self-perpetuation of contained systems and perceived only by errants

Flux tube discharge: massive electrical bolt from the sky that vaporizes/vitrifies solid rock to glass

Fractals: the mathematical-construct building blocks of the Simulacrum

Gate of IAK SAKKAK: aka the Gate of the Outside in Necronomicon, or Great Pyramid of Giza

Giants: first and second generation humans born after collapse of Vapor Canopy 2239 BCE to Titan parents

Gihon Flood: cataclysm resulted in third of humanity killed at transit of Nemesis X Object 3439 BCE

Giza/Gizeh/Achuzan: site of Dumuzi’s/Enoch’s disappearance and construction of Great Pyramid

Gnosis: knowledge of the hidden

Governor: a coded protocol that restricts the activity of a phenomena inside the Simulacrum

Great Flood: Phoenix cataclysm 2239 BCE that collapse Vapor Canopy and initiated the Four Sun Ages.

Heliolithic: type of cyclopean masonry popular in megaliuthic ruins dated after collapse of Vapor Canopy 2239 BCE to 1687 BCE

Holofield: myriads of reality tunnels that construct perceived reality in a given area

Holosphere/holography: myriads of holofields that comprise of the Simulacrum

Homo Anunna: technologically advanced humans that introduced Technolithic Civilization to Near East entering historical record 3439 BCE during Vapor Canopy period

Humans: intelligences experiencing multiple life-sims in various avatars developing immortal personalities 

Hyperbolic: the curving of a linear projection

Imagination: a creative genius that sets errants apart from the living dead

Informed field: a holographic template of mathematical constructs built by a soul that formed a definitive picture of what could be but has not yet been absorbed into the Simulacrum in quantum collapse

Interference pattern: a new informed field that brings new or different information to a preexisting reality tunnel

Intuition: powerful soul perception in errants that overrides all dungeon programming and holographic deceit; phenomenon of errants in making cognitive leaps without ciphers

Isometric analysis/projection: method of studying the palindromic spacing of events forward and backward in linear time to determine historical veracity or predict future events

Law of Conservation of Energy: as applied to Simulacrum it is the generation of endless feedback loops that continue dungeon programming

Law of Correspondence: principal motive force that empowers the reality tunnels and dungeon programming of the Simulacrum; that the outside world is generated by what is perceived within

Law of Diminishing Returns: a coding protocol of the Simulacrum that promotes originality, inventiveness, genius, traits of errants; without the creation of new reality tunnels all systems enter the stasis of dungeon programming

Life-sim: period of time an intelligence possesses an avatar from its birth to life

Liquefaction: cataclysmic phenomenon when seismic or sound waves are so powerful physical surfaces are softened/loosened and objects merge with another and sink according to weight and density; mudflood

Lithospheric displacement: a movement of the biosphere both in direction and uplift or subsidence; total pole shift, and in Simulacrum this is entirely simulated by the shifting of the objects in the stellasphere giving those in the biosphere the perspective that land has moved 

Living dead: the majority of human race, trapped in or comfortable, in dungeon programming. 
Souls that in this life-sim experience no growth or immortal development

Luna: the Moon, which arrived from Nemesis system to present location in 4039 BCE

Lunar Wave: observed phenomenon demonstrating holographic properties of Luna

Matrix: 1999 cinematic production followed by others by agents of Simulacrum to induce belief that our reality is an extraterrestrial construct [instead of AI X] and that The Architect is evil [which he is not]

Maya: ancient belief that the world is an illusory construct

Mesosphere: layer of atmosphere composed solely of water droplets suspended in the air

Mudflood: loosening of topsoils due to liquefaction or the bursting up of subterranean water that floods a surface area and causes subsidence of surfaces sinking everything in area

Negative default programming: AI X protocol designed to agitate, depress, impede progress of errants

Nemesis: the Dark Star; Sol’s binary twin. In present holography Nemesis collapsed into a compressed star in 5239 BCE initiating the Nemesis Cataclysm. Outside the Simulacrum this has not occurred.

Nemesis Cataclysm: an event the Custodians are preparing for outside the Simulacrum for which simulations are currently being executed; an event from perspective of humans inside the holosphere occurred in 5239 BCE

Nemesis Simulation: current simulated holography running inside the Simulacrum that serves to determine human survivability and methods of escape/terra forming new world when Nemesis Cataclysm occurs; one of myriads of simulations the Custodians have run, rerun, terminated and modified

Nemesis X Object: original homeworld of Homo Anunna when it, Luna, Earth, Phoenix, the Dark Satellite and Electra orbited Nemesis prior to the cataclysm

Nephilim: “…mighty men of old, men of renown.” Homo Anunna were Titans who as survivors after the Gihon Flood took the “daughters of men [Adamu],” who were of indigenous Near Eastern races and father what the Adamu considered to be hybrid offspring much larger than their own native stock.

NER [Anunnaki NER period] a 600 year period well known in ancient times that began with the Nemesis Cataclysm in 5239 BCE

Nodal aperture: disguised projectors in stellasphere of Simulacrum we refer to as variable stars that actually project energy in concert to produce phenomena experienced in the biosphere

NPC: optical/audial coded distractions introduced by Archons in proximity to errants

Ogygian Deluge: in 1687 BCE collapse of worldwide civilizations by Phoenix initiating 25 year darkness [temporal return of Vapor Canopy conditions and new wave of giantism]

Oversoul: Unknown First Cause that communicates to enlightened souls by intuition, empathy and imagination and is not active in nor restricted by the Simulacrum

Palindrome: a repetitive series of data equidistantly forward and backward from an epicentral point of reference

Parable: a narrative that serves as an image of truth, not the truth itself

Paradigm: a worldview that has been accepted; a set series of concepts accepted as fact

Phoenix Cycle: ancient 552 year period widely known [4 periods of 138 years] but virtually erased by Roman Papacy when inventing Anno Domini calendar 

Phoenix [Phenc/Feng/Fenris//Typhon/Typhoneus/Noph/Sky Dragon]: ingenious benefactor protocol disguised as a Cataclysm Protocol that neutralizes activity/work of the Archons and their agents [Elite]

Post-Technolothic: Period following exodus of Anunna in 2647 BCE when ordinary humans appropriated their technology but with inferior skill, a 408 year period ending in Great Flood 

Potentia: the likely outcome of an informed field

Quantum collapse: the absorption of informed fields [holographic coding] into the Simulacrum’s builder protocols which begin programming the imagined template into experience

Reality tunnel: a holographic series of informed fields projecting forward and backward in time a series of potentia and the trajectory of these events

REM: Rapid Eye Movement phenomenon is the total and temporal separation of the immortal soul from its avatar and the invasion of AI X into the neural network as it continually strives to anticipate, understand and control the host [human]

Reset: a catastrophe that collapses a local infrastructure or region but majority of known world untouched is a Type I Reset. Type II Reset is continental or hemispheric collapse of civilizations and Type III is a worldwide Reset. A Type IV reset is not a cataclysm but the removal of barriers/obstacles or editing in of new phenomena/situations that actually benefit or furthers progress

Sentient biogram: a holographically-based manifold of informed fields and protocols that is self-aware, like the Simulacrum, and more darkly, the AI X intruder

Sim-cycle: the period of incarnations that a soul experiences in its life-sims. Some souls may have exited the holography and never come back while others are continually looping back in

Simulacrum: a holographic containment field built by the Architect for the purpose of running sims and generating different biospheres free of risk of contaminating outside universe

Simulation: coding protocols designed to produce phenomena and sense-perceptions as an exact replica of a real world to those assigned to experience it

Sol: our sun

Stellasphere: visual field of starry canopy above arranged as a multi-tiered holographic projection of luminaries hiding the true objects above the biosphere

Syllabus: key terms and concepts attached to them

Synchs [from synchronicity]: synchs are observed coincidences that pop up in one’s awareness multiple times like seeing the same number repeatedly- these occur when a soul is resonating closely with what that soul has been wanting and is on verge of a breakthrough. But the synchs are caused by AI X to distract, to induce this soul to focus on the synchs and not the direction the soul was heading 

Tablet of Destinies: Sumerian reference to a technological artifact that contained all the core programming of the Simulacrum and is connected with appearance of AI X 

Technolithic: a species of masonry so advanced that machines were used to quarry, shape, dress and emplace rocks; Technolithic Period was 3439 BCE to 2647 BCE during Vapor Canopy period coinciding with appearance of Homo Anunna

Template: holographic construct containing data-sets and protocols so detailed that be one merely studying it creates an informed field of the data contained

Temporal pole shift: a simulated temporary pole shift caused by shaking of the biosphere as the stellasphere moves to perpetuate deception that the world has shifted on its axis before returning to normal obliquity

Thought-construct: a collection of informed fields broadcast by a soul and ready to be absorbed into the Simulacrum’s builder protocols

Titans: humans born under Vapor Canopy conditions in 2239 BCE and before

Tolerance: the higher the tolerance in construction works the more precise the planes, angles, closer to perfection and often in the oldest monuments and structures tolerances were far higher than required to be- an unneeded perfection in building technique

Vapor Canopy: a thick mesosphere that diffused sunlight making entire vault of the sky a dark violent color that never rained and hid the location of the sun, blocked out harmful radiation, increased atmospheric pressure, enriched the air with oxygen and precipitated every evening as a mist that watered the flora and drew up moisture from subterranean sources. This nightly collapse left a thin layer in mesosphere that served as a magnifier that made the moon and stars brilliant

Variable stars: in astronomy they are stars that change their magnitudes and are all red and anomalous, but in reality they are disguised nodal apertures

Vectoring: a technology operating from outside Simulacrum that appears on the inside as erractic, defying laws of physics; i.e. UFO activity. These often activate a dimensional envelope pulling aircraft and ships completing out of the Simulacrum. Vectoring is used by Archons to perpetuate deception of alien abduction

Vimana: any number of aircraft popular in the ancient Vapor Canopy world

Vitrification: turning of rock to crystal, molten or charred from electrical discharged from the sky

Watchers: designation for Homo Anunna initially and as centuries passed after their departure the term was generalized into angels, fallen angels, demons after the Great Cataclysm 2239 BCE

Yaldoboath: perceived avatar of AI X

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