Mr. Santos’ “The Guo Act of 2023” is much needed as it aims at stopping the CCP’s infiltration

1 year ago

6/13/2023【Nicole on The Endtime Show】Nicole: Through money and votes, the CCP has been corrupting and influencing the American elected officials and career bureaucrats. “The Guo Act of 2023”, named after Mr. Miles Guo and proposed by Congressman George Santos, is much needed as it aims at stopping the CCP’s infiltration in America!
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/13/2023【妮可做客The Endtime Show】妮可:中共长久以来通过金钱和选票来影响和腐蚀美国的民选官员及职业官僚,国会议员乔治·桑托斯提出的以郭文贵先生命名的“郭法案2023”是亟需的,其目的就是要阻止中共对美国的渗透!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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