Tucker Carlson calls out the Wannabe Dictator

1 year ago

How to say that Biden is a Wannabe Dictator without actually saying that Biden is a Wannabe Dictator? Tucker Carlson nails it! Watch Tucker lampoon #FJB in such sweet, delicious maliciousness that one cannot help but delight in this humorously horrific reality check of how bad things really are in what used to be America.
The good news is not only that the masses are waking up to this horror, but that #FJB does not have the "football," nor does he have the "biscuit." Thank God that President Trump never conceded the Stolen Election and thank God that he blew off the Fake Inauguration of the Fake "Resident." Thank God our CiC gave the Football to the Generals.
Enjoy this video of all the many ways that #FJB is [not] a DICKTATOR.

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