Pokemon Scarlet - 7 Star Chesnaught Raid

1 year ago

The raids are back. Sadly, we could not do these on Mother's Day, so we ended up doing them on Father's Day instead since the game melted down. There is also an event for the Donphan alternates, but Blue isn't interested and they just don't seem that special.

The strategy here is basically the usual since we are trying to speed through. Umbreon Screeches the defenses away, Iron Hands uses Belly Drum and then starts Drain Punching until it goes down.

The alternate strategy we were talking about for those who were wondering was to bring Arboliva and Sylveon. Sylveon would be on support with Fake Tears, Arboliva would drop Grassy Terrain to mitigate Earthquake and force him to use Wood Hammer. From there, Arboliva fires off Mega Drain or Terrain Pulse to chip away at the enemy until we get the win. The only reason we are using Sylveon here is that Blue didn't have anyone else, otherwise I would recommend Hatterene as it is tankier.

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