If You Want To Make More Money, Work Less (The 4 Hour Workday)

1 year ago

If you work longer than 4 hours you’re either an idiot or you’ve gotten to the point where work is play.

Writing & Content Course: https://2hourwriter.com

Digital Economics Masterclass (and free business course): https://digitaleconomics.school

Solopreneur Sprints (quarterly cohort): https://sprints.digitaleconomics.school

The Koe Letter (written version of the video): https://thedankoe.com/letters/working-less-helps-you-make-more-money-the-4-hour-workday/

Listen To The Koe Cast (same videos but in audio form): https://open.spotify.com/show/3lZRG3LCFZxKkQVSsCwoyN?si=012980a5fd694608

10X Your Creative Output (free): https://7daystogeniusideas.com

The Power Planner (free): https://shop.thedankoe.com/planner

TweetHunter (where I write content): https://thedankoe.com/get/tweethunter

ShortForm + yearly discount (how I read and generate ideas): https://shortform.com/dan

Get animated shorts, reels, or videos from my agency: https://keyframe.design

Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedankoe
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/thedankoe

0:00 A Normal Workday
10:04 Why 4 Hours?
11:55 The Psychology (And Futility) Of 9-5 Jobs
19:14 Creativity & Leverage
21:26 The New Currency
24:29 The Fill-Empty-Use Framework For A Holistic Lifestyle

Video title ideas (for the algo!):
How deep work will change your life
My focused work routine as a creative entrepreneur
Hustle culture is broken

#DeepWork #Entrepreneurship #LifestyleDesign

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