THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 18: God's Guidance & Provision

1 year ago

Three million people camping in the wilderness requires four million pounds of food, eleven million gallons of water, and eight million pounds of firewood on a daily basis. Additionally, the enormous campground would cover 750 square miles. To bring in that much food, water and firewood would require a freight train more than 1,800 miles long.

This was not a one-time occurrence, but a 40-year operation sustained by God. Lucifer created strife and unbelief among the Hebrews and they dreamt of the food they had in Egypt as slaves. As a result, God delivered manna for breakfast and quail in the evening.

The discontent continued until an army of Amalekites showed up to fight and the Israelite's fought as a people group for the first time, learning they will always win with God on their side. Moses set up a judicial system and Jethro helped refine it, preparing the Hebrews to receive spiritual laws unlike anything on earth.
Sermon Outline:

Part 18: God's Guidance & Provision
RLJ-1806 -- MAY 2, 2021

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