Tombs and many human skeletons found in the excavation of historical Iznik city walls

1 year ago

Human skeletons were found in the archaeological excavations carried out by Bursa Uludağ University (BUU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Archaeology Department in the Yenişehir Gate section of the historical walls in Iznik district.
According to the statement made by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, it was determined that the area between the inner and outer walls in the district was used as a cemetery during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods. Many human skeletons were found in this section.
In addition, a Roman villa under the city wall and the remains of a building that is thought to have been built to control the city wall gate were found.
The historical fortifications, whose construction dates back to 2,300 years ago and have survived to this day despite the sieges and major earthquakes throughout history, are being restored by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality under the presidency of Iznik Museum.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahin, Head of the Excavation and Head of the Department of Archaeology at BUU Faculty of Arts and Sciences, stated that they found the remains of a building that they estimated to be a Roman villa.

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