“A father is someone you look up to even when you’ve grown taller than him.” #fathersday2023

1 year ago

Hey friend , it’s Alpha and In celebration of Father’s Day, I asked Bard for some Funny quotes regarding fatherhood:

* "The only thing worse than a kid who doesn't listen is a kid who does." - Anonymous

* "I'm not a bad father, I just have a lot of other things to do, like watching TV and sleeping." - Homer Simpson

* "I'm not sure how you turned out so smart, considering I'm your father." - Clark Griswold

* "I'm so proud of you, son. You're the best mistake I ever made." - Homer Simpson

* "A father is someone you look up to even when you've grown taller than him." - Anonymous

* "A father is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love." - Anonymous

These sayings are meant to be humorous, but they also contain a message of wisdom. They show that father figures are willing to laugh at themselves, even when they make mistakes. They also show that father figures are proud of their children, even when they don't always get it right.

Father figures play an important role in their children's lives. They provide love, support, and guidance. They also teach their children important lessons about life.
If you are a father or father figure to someone in your life, know that I’m proud of you, pray for you, and Happy Father’s Day!
And today above all days, have a divine day!

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