WHO launches digital 'health' initiative to strengthen global surveillance, control of its slaves

1 year ago

A digital certificate for your health, but wait, there's more! Tyranny is included as a free add-on! (Free of charge delivery at some point in the foreseeable future.) Dial 1-800-TYR-ANNY or visit ILoveTyranny.com and get yours now!

The global 'health' certificate has as much benefit to you as the star of David, 'Jew' stamp in the passport, registration in a database of Jews, and tattoo on the forearm for the Jews. In other words, it has no benefit whatsoever to you, but countless benefits to anyone who wants to abuse your rights.

Any vaccine passport will be used a discrimination passport. It will be used as proof of compliance for medical (and other) coercion. This is of course contrary to the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki, but rights will be trampled upon unless you defend them.

You will have fundamental human rights in THEORY, but in PRACTICE you will ONLY have them if you obey the mandates of the day as delivered by Big Brother. The data will be used to illegally and unscientifically restrict the rights to (medical) privacy and bodily integrity.

It's nobody's business to know whether you have or have not had certain medical treatments (medical privacy) and to (dis)allow you certain rights based on that knowledge (medical coercion).

As many barriers as possible need to be put in front of discrimination and tyranny. The discrimination certificate does the exact opposite: it facilitates discrimination and tyranny.


- Vaccine passports lead to discrimination based on medical status and loss of medical privacy which are both illegal.
- Vaccination provides no benefit to others, which negates the one and only 'valid' argument for making access to the public space conditional.
- Registration and identification based on medical status have enormous risk of abuse. The registration and identification of Jews seemed harmless to some... until it turned to facilitate genocide.

1. IS IT LEGAL? No. The Nuremberg Code and Helsinki Declaration strictly forbid any coercion or pressure to get any medical treatment. Making rights conditional on medical status is a form of coercion. Vaccine passports are also contrary to the right of medical privacy.

2. IS 'VACCINATION' NECESSARY? No. COVID was never worse than a severe flu. Also, there are harmless, available, cheap/free, highly effective alternatives to protect yourself (and possibly others) such as: adequate ventilation, optimal relative humidity (40-60%), adequate vitamin D blood levels (>40 ng/ml), healthy diet/lifestyle, early effective combination therapy in case of disease.


3a. IS 'VACCINATION' EFFECTIVE TO PROTECT OTHERS? No. There isn't even a weak signal that any 'vaccine' slows transmission. In fact, there is a strong signal that it may be countereffective, see for instance scientific articles by the Cleveland Clinic.

NB: Protection of others can be only 'valid' reason to make access to public spaces conditional.
NB: If injection doesn't reduce 'transmission', no amount of injection can cause artificial herd immunity which is supposed to create a barrier among the immune compromised.

To make it even worse, there isn't even adequate scientific proof that respiratory 'infections' are transmissible versus being caused by environmental, common or other causes.

3b. IS 'VACCINATION' SAFE? No. The best data we have show that about 1 in 1000 COVID injected die as a direct result of the injection and 1 in 100 get a severe side-effect. Other 'vaccines' except for the smallpox vaccine are less toxic, but still not anywhere safe, especially when administered early in life and in combination.

4. DOES THE RISK OF ABUSE EXIST? Absolutely. Not only CAN it be abused, but it already HAS BEEN abused. For example:

1. The unvaxxed could not enter the United States until very recently
2. Unvaxxed Canadians were allowed local but not regional public transport (e.g. bus, train, airplay)
3. Unvaxxed Austrians could get fined thousands of euro's if they were caught in the street and not on the way to/from work or hospital.


Digital Health: Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security

The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security | WHO

WHO & EU take a giant step toward "vaccine" passports throughout Europe (then everywhere) | Mark Crispin Miller

WHO does not support mandatory ‘vaccine passports’ | The Hill (4 June 2021)
👆 "Mike Ryan, the executive director of the WHO’s emergencies program, said he’s concerned such a requirement could exacerbate vaccine equity issues." The reason that Ryan did not support vaccine passports was not because they're unethical and unscientific, but because not all people have access to the injections.

WHO does not back vaccination passports for now - spokeswoman | Reuters


The poster displayed at [..:..] is in Polish and roughly says, “Jews Are Lice: They Cause Typhus”. At the time, the propaganda lied that Jews spread disease. Now the propaganda lies that the unvaxxed spread disease. See the article linked below for more on what happened then, and draw your own conclusions on the many parallels between then and now.

The poster display at 1:48 is in German and says, "One people, one realm, one leader". The Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) enables global tyranny.


The song at the end is an excerpt from Mein Sohn / Lied einer Deutschen Mutter (My son / Song of a German mother). Its lyrics are apparently by Bertolt Brecht and Hans Eisler. The song is about a mother who initially supported her song joining Hitler by giving him the brown uniform and boots, but says that if she had known then what would happen next, she'd rather have hung herself.

Translation of the lyrics in this segment:

My son and I saw you march
After Hitler
Didn't know that whoever joins him
Back he will never come



Segment from:

Segment from: Anne Frank: The Whole Story

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