Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Audio Chat: June 16, 2023 Part 1:

1 year ago

CDT Audio Chat: June 16, 2023 Part 1:

@RockStarAida reveals how some of her vaccinated friends & family has recovered with CD.

@Jungleice reveals how his Mom is not well and how she can not sleep. He suspects she was vaccinated against her will. His Mom has rejected the CD
Let’s pray for his Mom.

Lili explain she took the PCR test and was not able to sleep. Reading the bible has helped her. She Encourages @Jungleice to give his Mom a bible to read.

Lili encourages @Jungleice to see if his Mom will accept the Myrrh. She also testified how well the myrrh and caster oil and other protocols has talked about here. She believes she is wetness a miracle as as a result of what she is personally witnessing.

@RockStarAida is still destroying liver flukes. The kill off gave her a bad migraine and she explained how @YouTubeTerminated helped her just by giving Aida her own advice of using an enema. The enema worked to remove the kill off for the win!

@RockStarAida RockStarAida believes not let of the gas and to cleanse the body everyday with CD. She also revealed how we need to get out of the matrix and build our own communities.

@Jungleice is going start the myrrh protocol and is going to report back to the CDT group.

Una has started the Myrrh and had a few questions.

@YouTubeTerminated helped Fran with the MMS1 and CDS confusion.

@YouTubeTerminated announced the upcoming 2nd CDT Annual Conference with Dr. Andreas Kalcker and Dr. Pedro Chavez will be live June 23, 2023 at 3 PM CST.

@Ragamuffin01 also started the myrrh protocol and revealed her current experience.

Consistency is the key.

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