MK ULTRA Mind Control & Drag Queen Story Hour Western Australia

1 year ago

Our mate Dale Holmes interview.
Also Freedom WA Media
The City of Bayswater cancelled today's Drag Queen Story time scheduled to start at 11.30am at the Maylands public library, citing public safety concern's for the 2 to 8 year old children it targeted for the event.
Clint Strindberg, an adult night club drag queen performer, AKA Cougar Morrison did not front the event to read stories, whilst dressed in drag to children.
Over 100 pro drag queen story time supporters attended without a formal permit from the City of Bayswater to protest outside the Maylands Library.
WA Police and council rangers were observed standing by watching as the supporters became increasingly aggressive and shouting hate speech with foul language.
Chants echoed over a PA system which young children could hear included, F*^k Fascists' F*#K and "We're here, we're Queer, we're fabulous, don't F**K with us.
There was a permitted counter protest in attendance, who were informed by WA Police and City of Baywater their permit was being cancelled early and Police moved through the group informing people if they did not leave, they would be issued with "Move-on-Notices"
Questions should be asked which side posed the safety concern to public safety, the group that had a lawful permit, or the side that didn't.
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The City of Bayswater cancelled today's Drag Queen Story time scheduled to start at 11.30am at the Maylands public library, citing public safety concern's for the 2 to 8 year old children it targeted for the event.
Clint Strindberg, an adult night club drag queen performer, AKA Cougar Morrison did not front the event to read stories, whilst dressed in drag to children.
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