4 Legalization of Cannabis Traps including a Gun Grab

1 year ago

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The legalization of marijuana has undoubtedly brought significant changes and opportunities to society. However, it is essential to examine both the benefits (like medicine) and major drawbacks associated with this momentous shift. In this blog post, we will delve into some concerns raised by critics, while also considering a biblical perspective on the importance of sobriety.
One of the significant concerns expressed by opponents of marijuana legalization is the impact it may have on firearm ownership. In jurisdictions where cannabis is legal, individuals who consume marijuana face restrictions or even a complete prohibition on owning firearms. Critics argue that this infringes upon individual rights and poses challenges for responsible gun owners. According to the ATF, your not allowed to own a gun per the article in Zero Hedge.
While the debate on this topic continues, it's worth reflecting on a scripture that encourages sobriety: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8, KJV). This verse emphasizes the importance of being alert and clear-minded in order to navigate life's challenges successfully. Remember, drunkards do not inherit the kingdom of God. If always stoned, are you a drunkard?
Another concern surrounding marijuana legalization is the potential influence of big pharmaceutical companies and large corporations. Critics worry that the entry of these entities into the cannabis industry could lead to monopolization, negatively impacting small businesses and local growers. Additionally, there are fears that the quality and diversity of strains may be compromised as profit-driven motives take precedence with GMO strains. Do you remember when Monsanto sued small farmers. This is a war on God’s Seeds.
In contemplating this issue, it is wise to consider the biblical admonition to remain steadfast in sobriety: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2, KJV). This verse encourages individuals to resist conforming to worldly influences and instead seek clarity of mind to discern God's will.
The concept of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in relation to marijuana raises concerns among opponents of legalization. The fear is that GMO smoke could be used for malicious purposes, with strains engineered to have addictive or harmful properties. Critics worry about the increased dependence and potential health risks that such manipulation could impose on consumers. Are they giving you a mental lobotomy? What can GMO strains do to you?

Another concern voiced by opponents of marijuana legalization pertains to its potential long-term effects on society. Critics argue that widespread use of marijuana, particularly with higher THC concentrations, may lead to an increasingly apathetic, unmotivated, and intellectually impaired population. This perception fuels the belief that marijuana legalization could contribute to a less productive and motivated society. Your programable to the tel e vision.

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