Seek RELATIONSHIP with Almighty Father at

1 year ago

Heavenly Father's RESTORED Truths, @
Religion is tearing humans apart from the inside out. Each religion / denomination holds SOME Truth about the Almighty Creator, but Religion is Pagan, that are full of 'believing unbelievers' who have no relationship with the Almighty [Creator]. May you seek RELATIONSHIP with our Heavenly Father (the Father of EVERY spirit that is in EVERY human being); humans are spirit beings in a flesh/blood body, living in Father's testing grounds for the Heavens, which Satan [ruler of Earth] has been trying to prove mankind/Earth to be a failed experiment. For 6000 years, Satan created the lies, deception, and corruption, but has since been sentenced to 1000 years and cast into the Pit, in May 2003. Without belief in the spirit realm, humans will miss the entire point of our existence, which is to seek deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, that we may earn Ranks in the Heavens in the life to come (spirit realm), for Eternity.
With Satan in the Pit for 980 years (until Judgment Day), it is up to humans to snap out of the web of lies and come to learn of the Restored Truths of the Almighty Creator, available at

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