Can Psychedelics Solve Humanity's Greatest Problem?

1 year ago

“Death is for mortals no longer an evil but a blessing.”-Inscription at Eluesis

WW3 looms. Entire ecosystems are vanishing. Culture wars are broiling to a frenzy. But why? Where did things go wrong?

This morning while I was brainstorming for ideas , I invoked a very basic common sense based method. I began with a question, "How do I create value; specifically more valuable content?"

"By creating value,"

"And how does one create value?"

"By solving a problem,"

"So, I reasoned, the bigger the problem, the greater the value that is created by providing a solution."

So, What is the biggest problem in the world? This is a complex question, with myriad possible answers, but just as a tree has many leaves, there are few roots, and these become one trunk where all is consolidated and unified. The roots of humanites ill's and evil's can be traced to two basic impulses, greed, and hatred. And, at the root of these, is fear. But fear of what? The unknown, and the greatest unknown is death. The irony of the fact that fear of the inevtable drives so much of huamnity to squander what life they do have is a worthy subject for another time and place. For now we must continue examining roots.

When we desire to understand any sytem in nature, we analyze its constituents, how they work together, and attempt to discover their origins. In the case of modern culture in the US and Europe, if it's constituent parts are democracy, the sciences, mathematics, theater, art, and philosophy, much of these are generally traced back to ancient Greece.

Although far from perfect, ancient Greece is considered a golden era by many historians. Tremendous advances were made during this 1500 year period. Why? What was the catalyst? And what guiding light did these ancient Greeks have that we lack?

The answer, is the Eluesinian Mysteries, but, more specifically, the sacramental drink of Eluesis

These secret rites were reserved for the best and the brightest among the scholars, artists, philosophers, and mathematicians of the time. They were not, however, elitist, women and slaves were allowed to attend. Plato, Aristophanes, and many Greek lumiaries were in attendance. And although it is interesting and compelling to conjecture that perhaps Plato concieved of the atom while intoxicated on egrot beer, or tripping on an ayahusca like mixture of Syrian Rue and Acacia, for example, we are interested in an altogether diferent aspect of the Eluesinian rites: fear of death, or rather, relief from it.

Revealing the secrets of the Mysteries was, and still is, punishable by death. Everyone has heard of the Masonic Oath and Obligation of the Initiate, stating "Under no less a penalty than to have my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by the roots, and my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark,"if the initiate should break his oath. In fact the only high-ranking Mason to have ever tried to publish the 33rd degree secrets was found in the shallow waters of Canadian lake. A book was open in his study that he had barely begun writing, open to the first page where a few sentences were written, declaring the man's intent to divulge the Ultimate Secret of the Great Work. Other marks of the ancient Mysteries are found in the O.T.O. The first serious grade is the 8th degree, Epopt of the Illuminati. Epoptiae was the knowledge given only to advanced initiates of the Eluesinian Mysteries, which is reflected in nearly every extant secret society in the structure of inner and outer orders. So...litlle is known about the epoptiae, although we do have an enormous clue. Plato wrote that his reception of the epoptiae relieved him of his fear of death.

Modern research has repeatedly established the efficacy of psychedelics for resolving death anxiety. From hospice psilocybin trips for terminal cancer patients, to perfectly (physically) healthy anxiety patients with death anxiety co-morbidities at John Hopkins, using LSD, results vary, but are universally impressive, and conclusive. Psychedelics ease death anxiety.

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