How do we get and retain our ideal client?

1 year ago

How can we stand out in our industry so everyone knows how much better we are than the competition?
How can we make a better case than everyone else in our industry?
How can we teach our front line sales people to speak to our customers' most compelling concerns?
This video explains the steps we must go through to figure these things out.
Hope this helps!
Do you own a service-based business and wish you could stop working on tasks and could focus on developing the ideas that will grow your business?
Do you feel like you are on a hamster wheel, working faster and harder, but not making the kind of progress you would like?
Do you struggle knowing your specific next steps to stop 'working in your business' so you can start 'working on your business'?
Do you feel like your business is ruining your marriage and/or vacations, or draining the life out of you?
If you want a proven path to the freedom you're dreaming of, come try out my group of business owners solving the exact same problems you are facing, led by someone who has been right where you are.
Not only will you get immediate, step-by-step, actionable solutions to the challenges holding you back, you'll also learn the skills and strategies that will lead go you building a business that can run without you - so you can have some time away.
And, you'll be part of a community of people who will 'get you', and understand exactly what you are going through.
If you'd like to check this group out for free on our next Zoom call on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM Pacific / 5:00 Eastern, shoot a quick introductory email to and I'll get you the details.
You shouldn't have to learn every lesson in business the hard way, and you don't have to go through this journey alone.
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