We must stop playing the middle, before it's too late.

1 year ago

It is no secret that establishment players in the GOP find me to be divisive. They believe that I have a goal to divide the party. "Can't we all just get along," is often their mantra.

But the way I see it, we are in the fight of our lives. Am I wrong?

The Chamber of Commerce Party will tell you that we must play the middle. Conservatives can't win general elections. We need to broaden the base and support more moderate candidates.


I support the Republican Party. But make no mistake. The party only has value in so far as it can be effective in fighting for and preserving conservative values for the next generation. If the party only serves to "re-elect Republicans" but in doing so neglects the values upon which its platform seeks to preserve, then it has become nothing more than a ship of fools.

Andy Roth of the State Freedom Caucus Network stated on a recent episode of The Freedom Matters Podcast that he believes the current two-party system is simply the Uniparty vs Conservatives. And I have to admit, I wholeheartedly agree and that scenario is unsustainable for the future of America.

I would issue a challenge to real conservatives across the state of Tennessee, you must hold the line on the Constitution. You must hold the line on our values. Compromise is no longer an option.

If you are playing the middle, you are the left.

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