E-farming challenge

1 year ago

E-Farming, also known as email farming, is a way to build a list of people who have agreed to receive emails from you about products and services that may interest them.

The goal is to suggest helpful and useful products through affiliate links and make money when someone buys the product through the link.

According to Igor Kheifets, building an email list is easy and can be profitable for anyone, even those without experience. You can use various methods to build an email list, such as offering a free resource or incentive for signing up, using lead magnets, and building landing pages with opt-in forms.

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Once you have built your email list, you must nurture the relationship with your subscribers by providing valuable and relevant content and building trust with them. E-Farming can be a powerful tool for online marketers, but it is important always to respect the privacy and preferences of your subscribers.

The term “e-farming” was created by Igor Kheifets. Initially, you might think it’s a unique concept, but it’s NOT… E-farming is simply email marketing. Igor mentions in a video how celebrities and politicians practice e-farming. Still, it is unlikely that they are aware of the term or that it specifically refers to their email marketing strategies.

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