Joe Biden Protection Mode

1 year ago

From Quora to the MSM will we ever get a break andd be able to hear and speak truth???
Why does CNN still pretend to be a neutral stance when they were caught red-handed with fake news of Nick Sandmann's case?
Profile photo for Guy Campbell
Guy Campbell
Upvoted by
Bruce Golub
, B.A., M.A. Journalism & Art Photography and
Adam Kraemer
, M.A. Journalism, New York University (2000)May 9
Yes congratulations on being the 8962nd Quoran to think that the question of whether a private schoolboy wearing a MAGA hat did or did not smirk disrespectfully at an old man while on a school field trip is the most important story about media bias of recent times. By which I mean four years ago.

And you choose to ask this question - again - the day Donald Trump is found guilty by a jury of sexual assault and defamation. And a couple of weeks after Fox News paid $750 million to another defamation victim, in a case that revealed Fox News has been knowingly lying to its audience for two years about the US election being stolen, instigated by the baseless and relentless lies of Donald Trump.

In order to overthrow the election result.

But sure, Nick Sandmann.
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Profile photo for Aaron Aveiro
Aaron Aveiro
· 25m
well Not sure who is asking the question…but whoever responded is a liar…Trump was not found guilty of sexual assualt. As a matter of fact the jury found there was no evidence of rape. And if you buy into that story you’re a special kind of stupid. So Stop. As for CNN did you forget they lost their case against Nick??? or I guess that is immaterial to you MAGA bashing liars..

What I find so amazing about the ignorance level on this platform is everyone continues to bash Trump for his position on the election. You morons really believe Biden got 81 million votes??? He can’t even get 10,000 people to tune to a live speech, let alone garnish 81 mllion votes. You folks with TDS continue to ignore facts that come out daily. in addition to Biden admitting he has touched underage individualt… She was 12 I was 30, most recently she was 17 I was 40. Then procedes to grad the gal and to the point where she had to forcably remove his hands from her ass…but that OK… Go on and continue to keep your head in the sand as we run headlong into communism.

BTW way how is the $6 a gallon gas and the $7 da dozen eggs working out for you???? or the $3 a mile to operate one of those electric cars??? You people are pathetic.

As for the question…The Counterfeit News Network is controled opposition something you pathetic indgnant moron do not understand. Do us all a favor and research MockingBird Media and see what you come up with.

How do They Know???


Can They Really?????

Are they Really a Conspiracy???

Why do They Hate Him so Much

that should keep you busy for a few minutes and make you ask HUH????

They Actually Believe Obama and Biden are Saints
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