1 year ago

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Three clips about Gavin Newsom, businesses leaving, defending trans, and spoof "greatest hits"

John Fetterman tried to come up with something to say about the section of I95 that collapsed due to a tanker on fire under it on 6-11-2023

Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, the President of France caring ONLY about his phot op and IGNORING someone in DESPERATE NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION

Kenneth Copeland, mega church pastor response to questions about his private jet use

Michael Rapaport annoyed people for too long and someone asked him politely to stop

Mark Steyn interviewed someone about the policy in Ireland is that people are asked to self-deport...this even applies to people who have committed very heinous crimes, they are given a deportation notice and the officials have no idea if they leave or not

Al Sharpton rambled on about how Jordan Neely had severe mental issues and yet did nothing wrong, trying to "cover his tracks" he suggests more mental health help is needed

Joe Biden told a fictional story of trucks filled with weapons rolling down the street and stopping at the corners like an ice cream truck where everyone comes running to buy the goodies no questions asked

I wonder if "they" hear "themselves" when they attempt to take away OUR GUNS yet have no problem at all giving much more powerful weapons to the World for FREE, most of the problems that exist EVERYWHERE would disappear if the nwo and all their alphabet gangs were SHUT DOWN

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