WEEK 5 - Raising Baby Chicks: Mama Hen vs Humans (Hens or Roosters?) #babychicks #farmlife #chicken

1 year ago

We have made it to week 5!
We've been comparing and contrasting the difference between tow clutches, one hatched by a broody hen named Delilah and one hatch by my incubator the next day. We take a look at each individual chick to guess their sex. I will keep updating every week as to how they progress and eventually who's who and which ones are going to have to be rehomed or headed for freezer camp. I'm surely not looking forward to that part, because I already have let myself fall in love with many that seem to be roosters. I just don't want to think of what will happen to them in the next month or so. (Leave in the comments the Number I assigned to the chick and guess the sex. Tell me if you think I'm right or do you think my husband is right about Ezra.)

If you happen to need any roosters, I may have some hand raised and broody raised Easter Eggers available soon, as well as some silver laced wyandotte mixes. Who doesn't want a bitchy wyandotte in their flock? LMAO (I'm not sure how the roosters act, but their mama is a royal vent.) 🤣

The next few videos will probably not be so long. Hopefully. LOL

Make sure to go back and watch Weeks 1-4.

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