Star Wars VS Star Trek

1 year ago

Be nice in that comment section, Jesus cries whenever you take the names of St Lucas or St Roddenberry in vain an angel is cast down from heaven. Here are the AI write ups that we based this cartoon on:

When it comes to the debate of which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars, there is no clear answer. Both franchises have passionate fans who can argue for hours about why their favorite is superior. However, when looking at the two sagas objectively, there are some reasons why Star Trek is better than Star Wars.

Firstly, Star Trek is more optimistic about the future of humanity. Whereas Star Wars is largely focused on the struggle between good and evil, Star Trek posits that humanity can overcome its conflicts and work towards a greater good. This optimism is reflected in the diverse crew of the USS Enterprise, who often have to put aside their differences to work together and solve a problem.

Secondly, the science and technology of Star Trek is far more advanced than that in Star Wars. Star Trek takes place in the distant future and features advanced technology such as transporters, warp drive and artificial intelligence. In contrast, Star Wars is set in a more primitive era, where starships and weapons are powered by a combination of lasers and primitive engines.

Finally, the characters of Star Trek are far more developed and complex than those of Star Wars. While both franchises feature a wide range of characters, those in Star Trek are more fully fleshed out and complex. The relationships between the characters, such as the friendships between Spock and McCoy, or the romantic tension between Kirk and Uhura, add an extra layer of depth to the story.

Ultimately, which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars, is subjective. However, when looking at the two franchises objectively, Star Trek is the clear winner. Its optimism, advanced technology and complex characters make it a far superior franchise to Star Wars.


Star Wars has been around for decades and is one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time. Star Trek, on the other hand, has been around for nearly as long, but has not reached the same level of popularity. That said, there are various aspects of Star Wars that make it a better franchise than Star Trek.

First and foremost, Star Wars is more accessible than Star Trek. Star Wars has a much larger and more diverse fan base, making it easier for anyone to get into the franchise. Additionally, the Star Wars universe is much more expansive than the Star Trek universe, allowing fans to explore a variety of planets, species, and characters.

Second, Star Wars has more exciting action than Star Trek. While both franchises feature space battles and special effects, the action in Star Wars is much more cinematic and thrilling. While there are certainly some exciting moments in Star Trek, they simply don’t compare to the heart-stopping sequences of Star Wars.

Third, Star Wars has better characters than Star Trek. While both franchises feature a variety of characters, the characters in Star Wars are much more fleshed out and relatable. From Luke Skywalker’s journey of self-discovery to Han Solo’s roguish charm, the characters of Star Wars are some of the most iconic in all of pop culture.

Finally, Star Wars has a much more compelling story than Star Trek. While both franchises feature a variety of stories, the story of Star Wars is much more epic and engaging. From the rise of the Empire to the fall of the Jedi, the story of Star Wars has been captivating audiences for decades.

In conclusion, Star Wars is a much better franchise than Star Trek. From its more accessible universe to its better characters and story, Star Wars has much more to offer than Star Trek.

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