Timeline Tech and How Project Looking Glass and Stargates Shape Humanitys Fate

1 year ago

Frank Jacobs"Two Timelines, Two Futures: Project Looking Glass, Stargates, and the Fate of Humanity. Explore the mind-bending technology that peers through time. Unveil the overwhelming advantages of probability perspectives. Join Frank in a riveting talk on the link between Project Looking Glass, CERN's Large Hadron Collider, and interdimensional portals. Discover the power to shape our collective destiny!"
Frank Jacob is an international award-winning filmmaker, popular talk-show guest, visual artist, musician and composer. In 2019 Frank directed and co-produced the series ‘Timeless’, exploring the world of the paranormal for US Online Network GAIA. In March 2022, Frank broke a story about a mysterious group called the Guardians of the Looking Glass. As a presenter, Frank’s multimedia presentations take his audiences deep down the rabbit hole into hidden history, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, secret technology, human evolution, timelines and parallel worlds.

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