The Monuments, Commandments and Strategies of the Satanic Elite

1 year ago

Will symbolism be their downfall? Wouldn't operating in plain sight have already tipped us off...?
We can only hope, because unfortunately mass humanity has proven to be a flock of blind and dumb sheep, easily led by whatever puppet politician is placed 'in power'.
Meanwhile, those we cannot vote in or out continue to pull the strings.
Check out the lineup in the final frame of this video!


#MainstreamMediaIsTheEnemyOfThePeople #WeAreTheNewsNow #NoMoreMandates #depopulation #SatanicElites #climatechange #WEF #UN #worldeconomicforum #klausschwab #omicron #omicronvariant #deltacron #taxtheunvaxxed #DeepState #Darpa #luciferase #USA #protests #communism #socialism #globalism #boosters #conspiracytheory #conspiracytheories #Truth #Freedom #mandates #vaccinemandate #vaccinemandates #billgates #billgatesofhell #billgatesisnotadoctor #billgatesisnotyourfriend #billgatesisacriminal #billgatesAntichrist #billgatesistheBEAST #melindagates #WHO #WorldHealthOrganization #vaccines #depopulation #vaccinesideeffects #fauci #drfauci #cardinalfauci #FauciLiedPeopleDied #WuhanFlu #ChinaVirus #China #covid19 #vaccinepassports #DontGetChipped #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #AI #ChristConciousness #event201 #agenda2030 #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PrisonPlanet #paranormal #metaphysical #aliens #UFOs #UFOsAreReal #vaccine #vaccines #vaccinedeaths #VAERS #covidvaccine #RNAvaccine #DNAvaccine #GrapheneOxide #transhumanism #magnetic #magneticaftervaccine #5gcovid #5gcovid19 #5Gcoronavirus #jab #gethtejab #dontgetthejab #selfspreading #selfspreadingvaccine #plague #spikeproteins #magnetized #magnetizednanoparticles #nanoparticles #nanotechnology #nanobots #prions #alienprogramming #electromagnetic #radiation #WWG1WGA #bloodlines #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #event201 #2030agenda #NWO #NewWorldOrder #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #zinc #vitamins #health #cases #lockdowns #boosters #apocalypse #revelations #endtimes #judgementday #finalhour #worldwarthree #silentweaponsforquietwars #antifa #soros #GeorgeSoros #AlexSoros #ElonMusk #KlausSchwab

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