The secret KGB UFO files: sverdlovsk, E.B.E autopsy + flash frames (1969)

1 year ago

👽🛸 "the secret KGB UFO files: sverdlovsk, E.B.E autopsy + flash frames 1969" in 1969 the Russian military discovered a crashed spacecraft near the district of sverdlovsk, finding the dead body of an extraterrestrial being inside.
An autopsy was performed on the extraterrestrial biological entity (E.B.E)

Information: for five decades, american agencies have stockpiled information on UFO's, so did their counterparts behind the iron curtain.

Soldiers, scientists and spies all paint a disturbing picture of the KGB's secret campaign.

The UFO encounter that almost sparked a nuclear war. the pair of MiG fighters that tried to shoot down a UFO - both jets blown out of the sky! stunning proof that the soviets recovered something not from this earth!

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