Jim Carey Shares Faith in Christ+MUSIC DAYS OF ELIJAH from Shawn Bolz Show

1 year ago

6 views Jun 16, 2023 #grace #ARTIST #hollywoodmovies
Look WHO Tabernacle of David SON found sharing the narrow gate of forgiveness leading to #grace. Talk about Days of Elijah, #ARTIST of #hollywoodmovies and now #artistic painter of #Christ as the suffering servant. Jim Carrey has communication skills of #hollywoodstatus, and now uses them to share the Gospel in the sufferring of the one we have piercedfor our sins, Jesus Our LORD. Tabernacle of David SON celebrates celebrity with courage and truth to show the way of Christ, the narrow gate of the forgiven.

Our thanks to Shawn Boltz: for this episode that Tabernacle of David SON summarized the Jim Carrey portion.
Jim Carey Shares His Newfound Faith + The Durham Report Breakdown! | The Shawn Bolz Show
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