The evil beast of Beijing really do have a plan to destroy the USA 6/16/23

1 year ago

Titus 1:12 "One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
This is the Communist Chinese that I know, having lived for 34 years in Beijing and hearing and seeing the CCP work their destruction and evil, we must wake up from this "Wokeness" and defeat this "Red Dragon". Xi Jin Ping is serious about spending his peoples resources and using his people to destroy America. Keep praying, keep preaching, and I will keep my Bible study going in hopes that the Chinese military commanders will wake up first and turn to Christ and arrest the Beijing beasts and EXPOSE the paid off traitors over here who need to be sentenced to death for their treasonous actions. June 16, 2023 Yellowstone National Park

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