Ashley Biden 🤔🤔🤔 | Check Description

1 year ago

I would never intentionally point at or criticize someone solely because they endured trauma from the person whom I want to find things out about or shine a light on.

That goes right out the window though when you lie to an entire country just to throw some shade on the light.

I’ve posted many things about Ashley from her weird relationship(showers & such) with Joe to her diary being the sole reason Project 🪦 Veritas (James O’Keefe) was raided. You better believe, showers with dad was merly a footnote of what else was in that diary if the FBI raids the literal press. It’s a circus.

Do your own research but here’s a few findings… #WeSeeYou

Writes Of Abuse

Look at this and read. The play on words is literally hilarious. “No Evidence Ashley Biden Said She Feared Her Father 'Coming in the Shower' with Her” 👇🤣

This is exactly how they cover things up… They don’t address the accusations but give themselves an out as to why it should be private and everything said about it is “UnProven” 👇🐸🖕

Confirmed: Ashley Biden’s Diary is Real — Two Defendants Just Plead Guilty to Federal Charges for Trying to Sell It

Diary was left under a mattress at a half way house 👉

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