New Age pseudo religion à la synodal journey

1 year ago

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The essence of New Age pseudo religion is not atheism, but the renaissance of paganism, which rejects the true God and the only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Contemporary neo-paganism is associated with esotericism, which mixes various pagan pseudo spiritualities with Christianity. The Second Vatican Council had already opened the door to this syncretism, especially with the Nostra Aetate declaration. Pseudo Pope Francis enthroned the Pachamama demon in the Vatican and dedicated himself to demons and Satan in Canada. In this spirit, he is promoting the synodal journey, which is to culminate this autumn. By promoting LGBTQ, he is in open rebellion against God and against the very nature of Christianity.
Through gradual satanization, people become mediums of demons, unable to accept truth and salvation. It is a systematic violation of human nature by progressively removing conscience and reason. The sense of distinguishing good from evil, truth from lies is disappearing. This is also part of the ideology of pagan Buddhism, which claims that woman is the ugliest of creatures. Hatred of woman is caused by her mission as bearer of life, which is contrary to the goal of Buddhism, which is self-destruction. Therefore, according to Buddhism, a woman cannot be saved until she is “transformed” into a man. Gender nonsense is promoted not only by Buddhism, but also by gnosis associated with esotericism.
Gnosis has at its root false religious reverence. Through various stages of consecration, i.e. initiation, it opens the human soul and secretly subdues it to Satan. It promises a person extraordinary powers, but in reality makes him a medium of spiritual beings that Christianity identifies as demons and the person concerned as possessed. This path is connected with various forms of the occult, i.e. with the release and work of this spiritual power, so-called energy. Everything is wrapped in philosophical, even scientific terminology with a spiritual or even mystical vocabulary, which leads many searching and sincere souls into deception.
The followers of Gnosticism promote the opinion that the division of people into men and women is something evil, said to be the work of an evil demiurge. They call Lucifer the good demiurge, i.e. god. According to them, he does not recognize this natural human reality. Are you asking why? Because demons are genderless. That is why the current LGBTQ-chaos is the basis for the satanization of humanity. It is built on lies. There are no homosexual cells, nor cells that are half male and half female. Science clearly says that a person’s gender is biologically determined.
A person with XX chromosomes is female, while an individual with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome is male. From time immemorial, everyone knew that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and one did not even need the scientific knowledge of chromosomes. Gnostics have a false ideal of man – the so-called androgyne. The etymology of the word androgyne comes from two Greek words: ανήρ (anér) is “man” and γυνή (gyné) – “woman”. So it is a kind of hermaphrodite. Man thereby sinks, as it were, to the level of earthworms.
By promoting LGBTQ ideology, the pseudo Pope promotes satanism, which rejects the reality of the uniqueness of human nature existing exclusively as either male or female. He is thus in public rebellion against God the Creator. If the basic conditions for the existence of humanity – for the transmission of life – are artificially destroyed, there is a clear goal behind it, namely self-destruction. The same goal, disguised as the achievement of so-called immortality, is pursued by so-called transhumanism. It is promoted not only by the NWO, but also by Bergoglio’s apostate Vatican.
The sick transhumanist ideology leads to a loss of judgment and reason as well as a loss of perception of reality. It deliberately increases the level of fraud and presents the grossest lies to the public as if they were reality. Behind this whole system based on lies is the spirit of lies and death – Satan. Anyone who allows himself to be drawn into this deceitful system of thought receives the spirit of lies and is lost. He is on the road to eternal damnation.
The bishops who deny that God created a man and a woman and claim that God created homosexuals, transsexuals, Q-sexuals, etc., oppose the order of creation and are in rebellion against God the Creator. They preach a satanic anti-gospel, for which they bring upon themselves God’s anathema, i.e. exclusion and curse.
As a result of original sin, human nature was corrupted, deformed. Pathologies have manifested themselves especially in the form of sexual perversions, which open a person to demonic forces. Therefore, when Jesus cast out unclean demons, people were also healed of muteness, deafness and other diseases. Let us point out that, for example, Q-orientation is associated with sexual murders. A certain Q-oriented man in Ukraine has slit the throats of more than 50 women. This murderous and at the same time impure spirit leads to the moral and physical suicide of mankind. And this crime against humanity is supported by the abused papal authority. Pseudo Pope Francis and his synodal journey want to turn all bishops into LGBTQ welcomers.
The conversion to welcoming bishops, which Bergoglio unconditionally requires, is a betrayal of Christ and the selling of one’s soul to Satan. Such a soul will then be possessed by unclean demons. Through these welcoming bishops, demons will arrogantly and cynically mock the crucified Saviour. Bishops will thereby practically accept homosexuality as the norm and will confirm these people in sin and thus also on the way to hell. The synodal way is the way of rejecting God’s laws and boycotting true repentance, without which no one will be saved. With their welcome, compassion and sensitivity, the welcoming bishops commit the worst cruelty against misled and deceived souls. They do not allow them to be saved by Christ.
The synodal path leads to the accomplishment of Bergoglian religious transhumanism. It entails satanization and depopulation, i.e. the agenda of the New World Order (NWO), worshipping the Great Architect of the Universe. However, this is not God, but Satan.
Bergoglio’s apostate anti-Church aims to be transformed into a synagogue of Satan. It is a hidden process disguised under constant deception with positive and pious phrases. How is it possible that hidden satanization has already taken place on five continents under the guise of continental assemblies? How is it possible that the bishops accepted this crime and suicide? Why did they not defend Christ and His teachings and warn the souls entrusted to them!? Because they fell into the heresy of so-called papalatry! The greatest adversary of God acts as the Vicar of Christ, publicly destroys all God’s laws and God’s commandments, and they still worship him as the representative of God on earth and the successor of the Apostle Peter!
Sincere Catholics ask: Is Bergoglio a true or false Pope? If someone says that he is a true Pope, they are denying the very foundations of Christianity. So they are no longer Christians. They have excluded themselves along with Bergoglio from the Church of Christ. Let every Catholic bishop follow the example of the former US Nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò. Let them, after his example, call on the usurper of the papacy to resign and let them no longer submit to him! False obedience today is spiritual suicide.
Bishops as a college are responsible for the Church! If they neglect to use their apostolic authority, they collaborate in the autogenocide of the Church by their passivity, i.e. cowardice. Again, let every bishop realize that the cowardly will be the first to be cast into the lake of fire (Rev 21:8). In particular, the bishops who failed to resist the usurper of the papacy and his LGBTQ synodal journey. In doing so, they publicly denied Jesus Christ and betrayed Him like the Apostle Judas.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

12 June 2023

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