An Inspiring Story Of Natural Healing | Nisha Koiri

1 year ago

An Inspiring Story Of Natural Healing
- Nisha Koiri

Nisha Koiri from Mumbai shares her story of how she healed after cancer diagnosis in May 2016 without chemotherapy radiation or surgery.       
She had a lump in the breast for some time and had done mammography regularly and biopsy earlier too which had come negative, however in May 2016 the size of the lump felt bigger so went for mammography & the result came as Birads V. This was a sign of breast cancer. Later, the gynaecologist sent her for biopsy and the report came 2nd grade ductal invasive carcinoma i.e malignant - cancerous. Her doctor advised that she does immediate surgery & start with the chemotherapy routine to avoid the cancer cells from growing. But, she had my reservations for this procedure.

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