Chant Propers-Votive Mass of The Sacred Heart of Jesus-in Eastertide

1 year ago

+J.M.J.+ Special thanks to Schola Bellarmina for the use of these Gregorian Chant Propers, Association Sacra Musica. (Used with permission.)
La Schola Bellarmina - Sacra Musica

These are Propers chanted for the Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the Easter Season. These Propers are in the 1962 Edition of the Liber Usualis and begin on page 970:
Introit: Cogitationes
Alleluia: Tollite jugum
Alleluia: Venite ad me
Offertory: Holocaustum
Communion: Si quis sitit---
In Paschal Time, the Tract is not sung. Allelluia: Tollite jugum is used as on pg. 972, then Alleluia: Venite ad me. In Votive Masses in Paschal Time, the Offertory: Improperium, is replaced by Offertory: Holocaustum. Also, the Communion: Unus Militum, is replaced by: Si quis sitit.
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