Avery Cyberbullies Me Online And Tries Cover Up Any Leaking Of Information Or False Attacks

1 year ago

Avery, wife of David, cyberbullies me by stealing my video exposing her and others involved for trying to do a jump scare on me; acting like they were literally going to Canada to attack me in person.
She also tries to lie about trying to leak my private information, which the 15 year old hacker Alan Lucas McFall tipped her off, which he was stalking me by looking at my blog videos and my Facebook profile.
Avery and her friends she connects with online for gaming reasons, and also cyberbullying, will try to come up with lies once any victims of their fights bac to make them look good and the victim look like the bully instead. Luckily, they've been hit with Twitter warnings due to bullying, trying to leak peoples' private information on Twitter, and defacing peoples profile photos

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