YOUTH SOCCER COACH caught trying to meet up with a 13 year old girl in Champaign, IL PART 1

1 year ago

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Catch #1 Zachary Pfingsten (Age 32). Champaign, IL
Zach was on our radar and messaging our decoys from DAP, within minutes of them getting to town and setting up their catching apps. He was hot and ready and arranged to meet at the One Stop on Neil St. Champaign, and have a 13 year old girl come spend the night with him. He asked her , could they be "boyfriend and girlfriend" We walked off the main road a bit with him and were pretty much in the hood in seconds. The people there, definately tuned in to the ruckus, and even got involed in the questioning process with our DAP pros and were not very happy with Zach, once they found out what he was doing in their neigborhood. He ended up following us back for safety to where we parked, after about 40 minutes of showing almost zero remorse and having a hard time admiting to what we already knew. See one of the big problems here is Zach used to coach 12-14 year old girls and boys soccer cause "He loves Soccer", even though he has no kids of his own. This was a great start to our weekend of running down these monsters.
Safe Street Project Catch Em 309 shot a full documentary while riding along and assiting DAP, for educational purposes and to raise awareness in our area about the evil that potentially lives right next door.

Disclaimer: All catches were set up and executed by professionals from Dad's Against Predators with assistance from SSPCE309, and we do not recommend trying this at home. It can get very dangerous fast, and we were working with professionals.

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