XETV 6 commercial break (December 16, 1986) Part 2

9 years ago

Recorded off XETV Channel 6 in San Diego, CA, during "Fact or Fiction" theme week

XETV Movie Logo
Toyota Trucks
Round Table Pizza (commercials with comedic duos seemed to be a thing in the 80s – Bartles and Jaymes, Homer and J.R., Vince and Larry the Crash Test Dummies, and these two guys)
Pace Picante Sauce (first commercial with the tagline: "This stuff is made in New York City?!")
XETV Fact or Fiction Week Promo: Bart LaRue’s The Ark of Noah
XETV Movie Logo (continue)
Hamburger Helper Taco Bake
Porta Copy (curious little gadget that never caught on)

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