2 Well known Khazarian surnames

1 year ago

From one of my best friend's who lives 30 minutes SouthEast of me.
Before the Kardashian family went Hollywood, there came the O.J. Simpson murder trial. For those of you who may have forgotten or never knew, one of his lawyers was Robert Kardashian, who was caught by reporters carrying out some luggage from Simpson's mansion home. One shouted to him, "What in the bags?", or something like that. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. We, the people, never got an answer, nor saw any of that probable evidence. POOF!
In a strategic move, if one has common sense and uses simple logic, the defense team quickly hired him on, yet only in order that he be immune from testifying, or being questioned. He never spoke one word, few even in court, during the hearings. MAFIA style antics!

As for the other name / person, you know her very well and even better. Every person in the U.S.A. and many around the world knows exactly who she is and what she does for work in the entertainment industry. If you don't know or are not sure, you really need to look up her full name. A few of you might be very surprised.

That said, they come from a very long line of vampirish cannibals!
This is also to say, these are the "elites" we hear and speak of so much.
They have been held in far too high esteem.
Yes, Garth Brooks rubs elbows with and knows people in LOW places.


The Khazarians are FAKE "JEWS".
Historically, they had to choose between religions, which to take on as a politically motivated strategic identity. More specifically, they are of the Ashkenazi (note: nazi)

Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi Etc.
Jews from different parts of the world have developed distinct cultures and customs. Jews from Germany and Eastern Europe are known as Ashkenazim. Much of what, in America, is thought of as Jewish — bagels, Yiddish, black hats — are actually specific to Ashkenazi culture.

Jews from Spain, the Iberian Peninsula and the Spanish Diaspora are known as Sephardim. Starting in the eighth century, they enjoyed a “Golden Age” of harmony with Christians and Muslims in Spain that lasted for about 200 years. When Jews were exiled from Spain and Portugal at the end of the 15th century, they fled to other areas of the world, bringing their unique traditions, including their language–Ladino–with them.

Mizrahim, or Oriental Jews originate primarily from Iraq, Persia (Iran), and Yemen, but can be found everywhere from Morocco to Calcutta. Though Mizrahi Jews originally faced severe discrimination in Israel because they were seen as provincial, they are now gaining more acceptance in Israeli society.

In addition, a community of Jews has lived in Ethiopia for more than 1,000 years. The majority of Ethiopian Jews immigrated to Israel in the 1980s and ’90s, where many continue to observe a number of distinct practices and customs. Like the Mizrahi Jews before them, Ethiopian Israelis have encountered discrimination and have had to adapt to a very different culture.

There are also numerous Jewish communities in Africa, such as the Abayudaya community in Uganda. In addition, in the United States, the increasing popularity of intermarriage, interracial adoption and conversion has fostered a growing population of Jews of color, particularly Jews with Asian, Latino and African ancestry.

Since I am a Messianic, I also wish to inform those outside of our "small flock" that we do not regard ourselves as being "jews", but identify as "christians" or HEBREWS grafted into the tree of Israel / Jacob's family, from Abraham, by spiritual circumcision. "Christ" comes from a Greek word and is a misnomer, when seeing the actual deep definition. So, Messiah being correct, thus Messianic. You could say that we are Christian Hebrews or Hebrew Christians.

Some of us are neophytes and/or get too lost in JEWISH Talmudic traditions and teachings.
For a small example, I refuse to wear a kippa / yarmulke, because it's not in the Bible. It stems from captivity in Babylon, and was required for their slaves for the sake of identification, very much like the Star of David badges made to be worn in nazi Germany. For a more significant example, you won't find me nor most of us studying Kabbalah, much less Allah or marching around the Kaaba stone.

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