He sees you coming (The prodigal son Luke 15:11-32) draw nigh.

1 year ago

He sees you coming (The prodigal son Luke 15:11-32) draw nigh.
They say that an eagle can see a rabbit (or other small prey) at around two miles away while it is trying to blend in with everything around it and remain hidden. That is amazing because there is no way that a human eye could see a rabbit at that distance especially if it was camouflaged and blending into its environment. The eagle can pick up on even the slightest movement of its prey and zero in on it as it moves in for the kill and a delicious snack to munch on. You know who has better eye site than a hungry eagle, a father who has been longing, hoping, and waiting for his child to return home. In the parable of the prodigal son, in verse 20 it says that while the son was still a great way off his father seen him coming and immediately approached him with love and compassion. The son demanded to be given what was his inheritance so he could get away from the father and strike out on his own. The eye of the father never left his son as he simply waited for him to turn around and come back home so he could once again wrap his arms around the child he loves. The scripture goes on to say that father ran to him with a heart of compassion and began to hug his neck and shower him with kisses of love. To say he had been longing for this moment would be an understatement, from the moment the son left the father looked forward to the possibility of his return.
The reality of life is that God never abandoned any of His children, but all His children willingly walked away from Him. Just like the loving father in the parable of the prodigal son, God is constantly scanning the horizon waiting to see one of His wayward children heading His direction. James 4:8 says that if we draw closer to God that our movement towards Him automatically stimulates God to draw closer to us. He sees us take a step in His direction and He takes a step towards us as His watchful eye never stops looking directly at us. He does not wait for us to get all the way back to His presence before He embraces us, He comes out to meet us on our way home showing that He has eagerly been anticipating our return. The eyesight of the father in the parable was limited to a short distance but God has no such limitations. It does not matter how far you think you have strayed from God; His eyes are still on you, and He longs for you to return home. All we must do is simply set our heart to growing closer to God and He will come running with arms wide open to welcome us back into His family. God’s love knows no boundaries and has no end and the only thing that separates us from it is our own inability to welcome it into our lives. All we must do is just a step towards home, and He will immediately start moving towards us.

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