16Jun23 With Captions "Limited" Nuclear War, Human Hatcheries, AI "god" of the Machine, Kill the Dutch/Boer Farmer in NL & South Africa

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Did Trump use Operation Warp Speed to force the cabal to release the poison early, saving us from a more deadly jab? This is what's being circulated now by Trump's following (2:19)

Mainstream media wants you to believe a brain damaged teen is a dangerous financier of ISIS terrorists, courageously busted by FBI (8:51)

The copyright censorship trap and Twitter lawsuit for $250 Million (17:29)

Republicans furious at their own for not censuring and fining Adam Schiff. But Thomas Massie saw something the other Republicans missed in their rush for revenge (20:49)

Kill the Boar, kill the farmer. It's the same Marxist agenda in both South Africa and the Netherlands (where the Boers came from 400 years ago) (26:52)

A thanks to contributors on Zelle (39:56)

Russian defense think tank floats the idea of "limited" nuclear war to save the world from the West, seeing themselves as saviors of humanity by protecting the world from an evil West. Belarus nukes are the first step (42:41)

Afghan who immigrated to USA in 1980's says San Francisco is WORSE than Afghanistan as the small business owner is looted of over $100,000 and police do nothing (1:04:52)

A letter from a supporter about his family's journey through the last 3 years of domestic medical martial law (1:13:29)

LGBT is working on "queering" the Bible, and Yuval Noah Harari wants a new Bible, written by AI (1:17:28)

"Synthetic Humans" and the Nephesh Desc: They've created motherless, fatherless rats, monkeys and humans from stem cells but they can't bring them to life. Could THIS be why? (1:32:15)

Listeners on Trump's 2019 Exec Order, Tragedy & Hope, Brave New World and Amazing Grace (1:42:50)

Newsweek and other mainstream media accuse pastor of calling for Christians to imitate Muslim suicide bombers (1:52:42)

INTERVIEW Gerald Celente — Elections, Interest Rates, and the Dollar — What You Need to Know Gerald Celente, TrendsJournal.com Fed didn't raise interest rates this week but with election coming up, here's info you can take to the bank. Also, war escalates, oil prices and geopolitics, tribalism rising, AI and markets - is it another DotCom bust or a real rally? (2:01:20)

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