Butch Cassidy (2 of 2) Reward Challenge | Survivor: Australian Outback | S0202: Suspicion

1 year ago

The castaways must jump from a 35-foot granite cliff into a deep natural pool and swim to a floating crate anchored in the river. Once each member of the tribe reaches the crate, they must dive down and detach it from the anchor. The tribe must then maneuver the crate down the river through small rapids, and carry it onto a sandy beach. The first tribe to get the crate and all tribe members across the finish line wins.
Reward: Blankets

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Part 1: https://youtu.be/JEhGVxBB8Q4
Part 2: https://youtu.be/NJq4QhfUJ8A

Suspicion is the second episode of Survivor: The Australian Outback.
Challenge: Butch Cassidy
Winner: Ogakor

Day 4
As the dawn of Day 4 cracks on Kucha, Michael Skupin gets up early and tries to cook some rice, but it turns out badly. This irks the...

Day 5
The tribes receive Tree Mail about the Reward Challenge, which tells them that they will have to jump off a cliff into water. Rodger Bingham is worried, because he cannot swim very well and he has a fear of heights. At the challenge, Rodger hesitates to jump, then struggles in the water, and Ogakor wins by a landslide. They earn a pair of blankets. Still, the rest of Kucha supports Rodger for trying his best. At Ogakor camp, experienced chef Keith Famie volunteers to cook the rice, but it turns out pasty and sticky. "How could a great chef not know how to make rice?". Jerri complains. Jerri decides to do some cooking herself, and makes tortillas that the tribe loves. Jerri feels proud, but Tina Wesson feels bad for Keith for being one-upped. Keith brushes it off. "No worries, mate", he says in an Aussie accent.

Later, controversy erupts at Ogakor when Jerri spots Kel chewing on something brown. Jerri believes it is beef jerky. She tells her tribemates, who are outraged that Kel snuck in food. While Kel is gone, Tina sneaks a peek into Kel's bag, but nothing is found. When Kel returns to camp, the tribe confronts him. Kel denies that he has beef jerky, and says that he was chewing on a blade of grass. As a peace offering, Kel offers to let the women use the razors he brought, but Jerri sees this as an admission of guilt. Maralyn Hershey disagrees with the accusation and wants Jerri to apologize, but she refuses.


Butch Cassidy (also known as Free Fallin’) is a recurring physical Survivor challenge.

--United States
The Australian Outback
One World
Blood v Water

Each tribe starts on a raised platform. One by one each tribe member must jump off the platform and re-assemble at a certain point. Once all the tribe members have reached the meeting point they must race to a final point. The first tribe to reach the final point wins.

United States
The challenge debuted in Survivor: The Australian Outback as a Reward Challenge. The tribes had to jump off a 35-foot granite cliff into a deep natural pool. They must swim to a floating crate anchored in the river. Once a tribe member reaches the crate the next tribe member could go. When each member of the tribe reaches the crate, they must dive down and detach it from the anchor. The tribe must then maneuver the crate down a river through small rapids, and carry it onto a sandy beach. The first tribe to get the crate and all tribe members across the finish line wins. Ogakor won this challenge, winning blankets for the tribe, due to Rodger Bingham of Kucha being afraid of heights and his inability to swim.

The challenge re-appeared in Survivor: One World. Each tribe started the challenge on a raised platform. One at a time, tribe mates drop from a three-step structure down into a net. After all players from a tribe finish the net drop and re-assemble on a tribal mat, they proceed to the next stage, climb stairs to another platform, and perform a balance beam walk. Manono won immunity and flint after Salani member Kourtney Moon broke her wrist when she landed on the net. As the challenge required all nine members to finish, Manono was given a choice; take the win or continue the challenge with one less member and face the possibility of losing. Manono chose to win the challenge without finishing.

Both times this challenge has appeared, the losing tribe was a blue tribe.

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