Criminals Run Rochester State Assembly And Senate Don't care about you #marcuscwilliams #rochester

1 year ago

It's crazy because all the people that actually care about this either vote for the wrong people or don't vote at all. Time y'all start voting Republican. Definitely stop voting for these socialists and leftists pushing defund the police and let the criminals all out of jail and run wild. Democrats are literally pushing you out of your neighborhoods and destroying your communities to benefit those who think that crime is fine and the economy is perfect. They don't care about you. They serve their own masters. #MarcusCWilliams #TeamMarcus #USA #america #republican #democrat #americafirst #joebiden #donaldtrump #trump #biden #rochesterny #roc #rochester #newyork #newyorkstate #nys #constitution #libertarian #libertarianism

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