God's Unfailing Protection: Discovering the Power of Psalm 91:15

1 year ago

“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him” Psalm 91:15. Discover the profound truth that true peace comes from the Lord Himself, who offers His unchanging presence and unfailing love. May this reading inspire you to seek and embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding, even in the midst of life's challenges.

Thank you for watching and may the Lord keep you and bless you always!

#Psalm91, #GodsProtection, #DivineShelter, #FaithfulnessOfGod, #GodsPromises, #PrayerForDeliverance, #TrustInGod, #VictoryInAdversity, #GodsWatchfulEye, #AssuranceOfSafety, #ComfortInTimesOfTrouble, #GodsLovingPresence, #DivineRefuge, #GodsAngels, #SpiritualGuidance, #HopeInGodsFaithfulness, #PeaceInGodsShadow, #ProtectionFromHarm, #GodsUnwaveringLove, #PromisesOfGodsStrength, #christian, #motivation,#godsfaithfulness,, #godslove, #godspromises, #godsblessing, #godsprotection, #godofgrace, #devotion, #numbers, #bible, #theology, #godsblessing, #godsabundance,#kjv,

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