Covid 疫苗徹底失敗的最終證據 / The ultimate proof that the Covid vaccines are a total failure.

1 year ago

該視頻證明 Covid 疫苗實際上是一種抗疫苗,您服用的劑量越多,您就越容易被感染、傳播病毒並最終住院。

據查 Dr. Charles Hoffe 說,“這種新型疫苗結果完全失敗了。事實上,他們創造的不是疫苗,而是抗疫苗”。

他肯定地說:“注射次數越多,感染 COVID 的可能性就越大,這是絕對直接的線性相關性。”

This video proves that the Covid vaccine actually work as an anti-vaccine, in which the more doses you take the more susceptible you were to get infected, spread the virus and end up in the hospital.

According to Dr. Charles Hoffe "this new type of vaccine turned out to be a complete failure. In fact, what they had created was not a vaccine but an anti-vaccine".

"There was an absolute direct linear correlation that the more shots you got, the more likely you would get COVID" he affirms.

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