The Story of a National Crime. By. P.H. Bryce M.A, M.D. 1922. Canadian Indians Health from 1904-1921

1 year ago

BY P. H. BRYCE, M.A., M.D.

The Wards of the Nation :
Our Allies in the Revolutionary War :
Our Brothers-in-Arms in the Great War.

BEING A Record of the Health Conditions of the Indians
of Canada from 1904 to 1921
Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Department.

I. By Order in Council dated Jan. 22nd, 1904, the writer was appointed Medical Inspector to the Department of the Interior and of Indian Affairs and was entrusted with the health interests of the Indians of Canada. The Order in Council recites:
" The undersigned has the honour to report that there is urgent necessity for the appointment of a medical inspector to represent the Department of the Interior and Department of Indian Affairs. The undersigned believes that the qualifications for the position above mentioned are possessed in an eminent degree by Mr. Peter Henderson Bryce, M. D., at present and for a number of years past Secretary for the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario, and who has had large experience in connection with the public health of the province."
Minister of the Interior and
Superintendent General of Indian Affairs.
For the first months after the writer's appointment, he was much engaged in organizing the medical inspection of immigrants at the sea ports; but he early began the systematic collection of health statistics of the several hundred Indian Bands scattered over Canada. For each year up to 1914 he wrote an annual report on the health of the Indians, published in the Departmental report, and on instructions from the minister made in 1907 a special inspection of thirty-five Indian schools in the three prairie provinces. This report was published separately; but the recommendations contained in the report were never published and the public knows nothing of them. It contained a brief history of the origin of the Indian Schools, of the sanitary condition of the schools and statistics of the health of the pupils, during the 15 years of their existence. Regarding the health of the pupils, the report states that 24 per cent, of all the pupils which had been in the schools were known to be dead, while of one school on the File Hills reserve, which gave a complete return to date, 75 percent, were dead at the end of the 16 years since the school opened.

Briefly the recommendations urged, (1) Greater school facilities, since only 30 percent of the school age children were in attendance; (2) That boarding schools with farms attached be established near the home reserves of the pupils; (3) That the government undertake the complete maintenance and control of the schools, since it had promised by treaty to insure such and further it was recommended that as the Indians grow in wealth and intelligence they should pay at least part of the cost from their own funds....

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